3rd Of December // Ranchers ♤♡

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Tango x Jimmy ♤♡

- Death

- Fluff

- Double Life

- Angst [i think]

Team Ranchers

It was a cold December night, Jimmy and Tango were sitting on the steps of the Ranch, watching people run left and right, all over the place. They were enjoying their time together while it lasted. They continued to watch people run but only just noticing BigB and Grian running by hand in hand. "That's weird". Tango uttered quietly as the canary leaned in closer to him, shivering gently. "It is weird, why is Grian with BigB? Isn't Grian with Scar and BigB with Ren?" Jimmy questioned, it was strange that they were with each other. Jimmy was shivering quite badly at this point, Tango noticed this, feeling bad considering he had good body heat compared to the canary. "Hey Jim, can you wait here for a second?" Jimmy nodded, sitting upright as Tango ran inside.

Tango sprinted inside the Ranch grabbing a hoodie of his. It was a warden hoodie, with a hood which had warden horns on it. It was the same colour palette as well. It was the cosiest hoodie he had. After grabbing it he ran back outside giving Jimmy the hoodie. "For you my love". He helped Jimmy put the hoodie on, he was still shivering slightly but soon enough he had stopped, cuddling back up into Tango. "It is quite cold out here isn't it Jimmy". He looked down at the smaller blonde who was gently nodding. Tango smiled softly, leaning down to capture his partner's lips. Just a soft kiss which Jimmy quickly melted into. When they parted Jimmy whispered in Tango's ears. "I love you". Tango blushed, the tip of his ears going a gentle shade of red. "I love you too Jimmy". Tango gently spoke back. They gently locked lips once more. "Come on Jimmy, let's go inside, it's getting a bit too cold and it's 11pm". Tango slowly stood up, helping his lover up. Jimmy nuzzled into Tango as they walked back in, hand in hand.

When they got inside, Tango and Jimmy walked to the bedroom. Jimmy was too tired to do anything else but sleep so he quickly got into bed. Tango smiled softly as he saw Jimmy cuddle up in bed as he went and brushed his teeth. Afterwards he went and joined his soulmate in the cosy bed. Jimmy turned around to face Tango, kissing his nose softly. "Goodnight Tango". "Goodnight Jimmy". The two lovebirds fell asleep for the night.

The next morning, Tango woke up first as usual. He looked over at the clock and saw how it was 8am and bright and sunny. He turned to see Jimmy cuddled up next to him. Tango found it very cute, he had the warden hoodie still on, the hood up. He slowly and carefully got out of the bed, opening the curtains as he went. He opened the front door, sitting down on the rocking chair. He sat outside admiring the birds and the animals which roamed. He didn't know how long he sat there but he sat there for long, Scott walked by looking cheery as much. "Hey Tango!". "Hello Scott! You can come in". Scott appreciated this, walking into the Ranch after shutting the gate behind him. Scott sat down on the wooden floor which made the porch, deciding to have a nice chat with Tango. After long again, Jimmy appeared from the house, rubbing his eyes while staring at Tango. He yawned, walking over to Tango, sitting on his lap, cuddling into him. He buried his head into Tango's shirt, the warden hoodies horns sitting on either side of his neck. "Good morning to you too Jimmy". Tango whispered, smiling softly, hugging his lover back.

Scott and tango continued their conversation but slightly quieter considering Jimmy had just woken up, every now and again Jimmy would contribute to the conversation. Scott even smiled softly, looking at his ex having a good time, being all happy and smiley. "Hey Tango". Jimmy muttered quietly. "I'm going to go out for a little bit, get some ender pearls for the both of us" Tango nodded as Jimmy slid off of Tango's lap. "Be safe!" Tango shouted, Jimmy nodded as they both waved at each other. "You 2 are made for each other". Scott spoke, he missed being with Jimmy but it would be for the better. Tango nodded. "Most people say that, you must miss him though from 3rd life". Scott nodded with a look of slight disappointment on his face. "I do miss him but he looks happier with you". Scott looked up at Tango with a soft smile on his face, his eyes shiny. "Don't say that Scott, I'm sure he loved his time with you". Tango stood up, kneeling down next to Scott and giving him a hug. Scott and Tango proceeded to stand up together. "I better get going, Cleo will be getting annoyed with me". Scott said lightly with a giggle. Tango joined in, chuckling slightly. Scott walked off after saying goodbye and waving. Tango didn't know what to do anymore, he could clean the house and look after the animals while Jimmy was gone, so that's what he did.

For hours and hours he looked after the animals and cleaned the house from top to bottom. He was cooking some dinner for himself as Jimmy wasn't back yet when he heard a loud bang on the door. He turned to face the door, putting down the pot and walking over. He opened the door to see Scott looking panicked. "What's wron-". "IT'S JIMMY COME QUICK". Scott sprinted off, Tango quickly following closely behind. Scott twisted and turned through the forest until he got to a tree. Jimmy was limp on the floor, still wearing the warden hoodie which Tango gave him the last day. Tango didn't know how to react but he ran straight over to Jimmy kneeling next to him, grabbing him tight and close to him. Tears raced quickly down his face as he sobbed. Scott didn't know what to do either so he just watched as Tango sobbed. "JIMMY!" he screamed while he sobbed. He buried his face into the limp man's head. He spent the rest of that night holding the canary's limp body and cried. No one found him until the next morning.

It seemed like Tango had fallen asleep, still holding onto Jimmy's body when Grian spotted him. He gently shook Tango awake, not realising Jimmy was dead. Tango slowly woke up, seeing the parrot man in front of him. "Tango, are you ok?". Tango shook his head looking down at the canary's body. "He's dead". Tango whispered, tears bubbling back up into his eyes. Grian shook his head, backing away as Tango stood up, carrying his soulmate's body. Tango didn't know what to do so just silently walked back to the Ranch holding the body.

He propped Jimmy up against a tree as he dug a grave out. He gently laid Jimmy down in the grave, wrapping his favourite blanket around him. He was still wearing the warden hoodie. Tango cried as he filled the hole in, covering Jimmy up with dirt. He turned to face Grian who was standing silently behind him. He walked up to Grian hugging him tight. "I don't know what to do anymore". He spoke, it was muffled by Grian's red jumper. Grian nodded, understanding what he was going through, hugging Tango back. "We'll find a way, don't you worry Tango". Tango nodded, pulling away from the warm hug. "I hope to see him in another universe at some point in my life". Grian nodded. "I'll let you mourn Tango, i'll see you again soon". And with that Grian walked off, feeling bad for Tango, he had no-one anymore.. Tango looked up to see a Canary flying over him. "I miss you". Tango whispered to the Canary, it just tweeted back like it understood him which brought a small smile to Tango's lips. "I'll see you again soon Jim" and with that Tango walked back into the Ranch for the rest of the day, not wanting to socialise after this traumatic event.

Around a year and a half later, Double life was over and Tango was still slightly upset by Jimmy's death. He continued to work on Decked Out, every time he saw a warden he thought of Jimmy. He was just fixing a bug, some people had already done many runs but here he was fixing yet another bug. He was carefully twiddling away at some wires when he heard a voice. Not thinking much of it he yelled "IT'S NEARLY FIXED, YOU'LL GET TO PLAY SOON". The voice seemed to multiply into many, what was happening out there? After he had finished he went through his secret entrance, dusting some redstone off of him. He turned to walk through the corridor when he saw a familiar warden hoodie. "Jimmy?". He questioned. Jimmy turned around to see Tango. His face dropped "Tango?" He whispered. Grian just watched with a smile on his face as the 2 of them ran to each other. Jimmy jumped up wrapping his legs and arms around Tango, Tango catching him. They both kissed each other softly, they missed each other so much. Time seemed to have slowed down for the both of them as they kissed, everything seemed complete now that they were together again. After they pulled away, Tango gently placed Jimmy down, and they embraced once more. Grian and everyone else looked at them with soft smiles on their faces, they had never seen Tango as happy as he was right now until, well now. When they parted Tango told the others that they could go and that the Dungeon was fixed and open. He just wanted to be with Jimmy for now.

As the others nodded, Jimmy and Tango walked out to sit on the Decked Out stairs, looking over the frosty biome hand in hand. "So, where have you been Jimmy?". He questioned his lover. "All I've been doing is missing you". Jimmy turned to the Imp, smiling softly as he kissed him deeply on the lips. Tango was taken by surprise but slowly returned the favour. They didn't know how long they were there until Cub appeared from behind. "Hey Tango, sorry to ruin the moment but I may have broken the animation for the door". Cub rubbed the back of his neck as Tango sighed deeply. "This is the third time this week Cub. IT'S A TUESDAY!". Jimmy laughed as Tango went to go fix it, Jimmy followed closely behind, still walking hand in hand.

They would never forget each other for years to come. For the rest of their lives they lived together in peace and together.

The End.

[1800 words]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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