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°•°•3rd's pov•°•°

"H..huh" - Taylor

"You mean it's possible that other people can come here by getting cursed?"-Ashlyn

"Umm well a curse is mostly done by psycho people like Aiden over there"- you

"Hey! ..but she's got a point "-Aiden

"So you can just do some hocus posts and ban you cursed?"- Tyler

"No... Well ya but there's a catch"-Lucas

"W.. what?"- Logan

"If one kid gets cursed the entire chain of siblings get cursed" - Feona


"Nope only the unlucky siblings like us, this is why I wanted to be the only child" - you

"Is that why you guys left?"- Taylor

"Because you were... cursed?"- Taylor


"No.."- you

"But who cursed you three?"- Ashlyn

"It has to have been someone who knows your family well because they knew there were three of you" - Aiden

"...do you guys know who-"- Logan

"Yes but it doesn't matter, they can't get rid of the curse so there's no use talking about her!"- Lucas

"...her?"- Aiden

"Okay then let's stop this conversation" -Taylor

"...Guess that means the savannah conversation is on hold for now" - Ashlyn

"Tch, fine let's decide what to do with the phantoms"- Tyler

"Ohh let's torture them"- Feona

" No thanks"- you

"I'll go bring one inside" - Lucas

"Can I pick one I already named them"- Feona

Lucas then brought one of the creatures (which was named Lucas by Feona)and leaned it against a window.

Tyler then took his hand-made weapon and tapped the phantom's leg.

" So what do we do?"- Tyler

"Good question"- Ashlyn

"Maybe we can experiment with it? see what is most effective in dealing damage to the body?" - Taylor

Logan then saw Lucas's arm, then went to grab some bandages for him because his hand was kinda bummed

" Well, since it's dead let's have a closer look!"- Aiden

Just as he was going to turn on the flashlight Feona smirked

"They're going to be traumatized" - Feona

"I wouldn't do that here if I was you-"- you

But before you could stop them Aiden turned on the flashlight and the creature's body started to sizzle and pop out eyes from inside everyone instantly flinched except for Fiona, but she's stupid so ignore her.

"TURN IT OFF" - Tyler

"Okay, okay"- Aiden

After the flash was turned off the body started to drip...

"Hahaha you guys should have seen your faces" - Feona

"Not funny"- you

"Yuck"- Lucas


Thanks to this person I got motivated so freaking much but sorry I couldn't write that much I have school tomorrow so I am SO sorry but I will try to make it up for you guys
Sorry for being late 😭😭😭

Please vote and comment on the chapter for support and motivation I love you guys so much bye

Muah 💋💋💋😘💋

(BONDING SPIRITS) School bus graveyard x FemreaderWhere stories live. Discover now