^°•Breaking rule number 1 •°^

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~3rds pov~

You then turned to see Ashlyn who looked mad as hell. The group looked uncomfortable while Tyler looked more angry than discomfort. you then jumped down from the bus ignoring the ladder and stood next to Ben who had his hand on his neck while glancing at your sudden impact and then at the furious ginger.

"I'm getting that jeep." The angry ginger then turned to meet the group's looks. "Even if we decide we don't need guns, eventually we'll need to go out there and learn how this place works so we can find a way out! That was what we agreed on!". At this point everyone knew we were breaking rule number 1. " Ashlyn... remember rule number 1..." Feona said while sweat dropping. "I don't care!" Ashlyn shot back glaring as Feona flinched and backed up. " Hey, Ash... Maybe you should-". " Don't tell me what I should do !" The hot-tempered ginger yelled. As Aiden then got startled. " If you hadn't been so persistent in bothering me, I never would have gone to Savannah and none of this would have ever happened!. You keep pushing my boundaries and I'm tired of it!" This time Ashlyn specifically yelled at Aiden. It was clear that Aiden was slightly hurt while you stood there confused.

What the heck happened?

Why was Ashlyn so mad?

What did I miss?

"Why are you so worked up?!" Tyler yelled as everyone was now visually awkward." hey um what exactly happened?" You asked the blonde wearing glasses. "Oh right um well you see Taylor had second thoughts on going out of the graveyard and Ashlyn kinda..." Logan then stopped mid-sentence not knowing what to say. "Lost it" Lucas said not taking his eyes off the argument. " Oh," I said making sense of Ashlyn's sudden outburst as the brunette and the ginger were arguing.

"I don't think it's entirely my fault, I'm just as confused and scared as you all are.". " But I'm the best suited to take ' Responsibility' for what's happening right?! To try and find a way to get out of this mess while protecting you guys at the same time!" Ashlyn yelled then huffed then clenched her fists. There was a loud silence as everyone avoided each other's eye contact. "I'm sorry" you all slightly turn to Taylor who just broke the silence.

"I... Didn't think you were taking on so much pressure on your own. And you're right... I don't want to be stuck here for the rest of my life. The phantoms are just a fact of this place... No matter how many different plans we come up with, How long we put them off, and how many monsters there are, we'll still have to deal with them and get our hands dirty if we want out. The sooner we face and accept that, the sooner we get our normal lives back." Taylor admitted with a small smile

"So forget what I said earlier. I just got a little overwhelmed for a moment." The brunette then put her hand to her head while smiling as if there was nothing wrong. "I still think there's too many out there," Tyler said as you and Feona looked at him deadpan. "But... I suppose you aren't entirely wrong that right now could be our best chance. I'm sure those things will just keep growing in number rather than thin down anyway." Tyler said while meeting your gaze.

"Right?? And Ben, Lucas and Aiden don't seem opposed to the plan either" Taylor added "Actually if you guys don't hurry up and continue I'm going to jump the wall on my own" Aiden said while holding a knife. "Nah I just didn't drink my coffee so now I'm just tired," Lucas added. "Right... Ha ha"

"See Ashlyn things are fine now we're right back on track, so you don't have to worry about coming up with a new plan or feel guilty for something that would have been our own choice." Taylor said "Even though you kinda broke rule number 1," Feona said unimpressed. "Right... Oh and!, I'm glad you took the lead of the group. Not because I think it's your fault, but because you've always been rational and your plans have already helped us a lot." Ashlyn's eyes widened with Taylor's words. "Just don't forget to trust us with your words okay? if we had talked about how we've been feeling up to this point, then maybe we could've avoided getting overwhelmed by our own. We all have to trust and support each other."

"Because that's how teams work, Whether you're the 'leader' or not," Taylor said confidently.

Well-done Taylor

You also have some wise words in ya huh


Thanks to this person I got motivated

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Muah 💋💋

(BONDING SPIRITS) School bus graveyard x FemreaderWhere stories live. Discover now