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Lightly Edited

A sigh broke loose from chapped lips as I stepped inside my freezing apartment. I could already smell the mouth watering aroma of dinner created by none other than Dan. We had been dating for almost two years since our senior year of high school. We didn't exactly live together, but we did have the key to the others home. "Judging by that sad face I'm guessing your friend couldn't fix your Mac." He asked stirring our dinner with a wooden spoon.

A sad smile was on my face."No he didn't fix Linda." I said taking a seat, propping my elbows on the dining table.

"So, you bought a new one?" He questioned eying down the golden imposter in my small hands. I scoffed at him. "It's nearly nine hundred bucks! I would be crazy if I bought this. He let me borrow it until he has time to fix mine." He nodded his head, but I could see that he wanted to say more.

"So have you downloaded that game you've been raving about for weeks?" I asked hoping to change the conversation. His head nodded and I could see the anticipation in his eyes. Dan ranted for what seemed like hours until a series of beeps went off in the kitchen. Profanities slipped from his lips and I couldn't help but smile.

I watched in amusement as he juggled plates and glasses to the table. "I'm sorry Alex. I nearly burnt our food." His hands twitched in a nervous manner as he poured the contents into two bowls. "I was hoping we could have beef and broccoli with fried rice, but the rice didn't turn out too well." He chuckled humorlessly.

"Dan it's okay" I got walking into the kitchen towards him. "Everything doesn't always have to be perfect." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"But you are." He smiled at his confession adding a quick kiss to my lips, but I wanted more. My body pressed to his and it was the most euphoric feeling. I ravished his lips as if they were my dinner and without a care in the world I moaned. I could hear him trying to control his breathing as he pulled away once again. "We should eat." He breath and I simply nodded.

Dinner was casual as he continued to go on about his online game and YouTube channel. It wasn't until his phone rang when I realized how late it had gotten. I had no doubt he would be leaving to get back home. "Should I help with dishes?" He asked sweetly.

"No, it's getting late and I don't want you stuck in traffic." I said smiling. He had always had a hatred towards being stuck in traffic. I blamed it on his patience.

"How about next time we get out the house?" He asked placing a small kiss on my lips.

"Yea, that would be nice wouldn't it?" I asked as he threw on his jacket. I wanted to call him crazy for daring to let the fabric touch his skin. The weather was unforgiving this time of month, and no doubt he would struggle trying to get it off as soon as he stopped at a red light.

"See you later. " I nodded locking the door behind him. I turned around towards my kitchen only to groan at the infinite amount of dishes scattered everywhere. I could wash those now, but the shower was calling my name.

I hope you enjoyed.
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XOXO blown_to_pieces

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