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The door to my apartment  was only a floor away, and there was no running away with Bobby clutching his hand around my baggy shirt. Somehow I convinced him to take the stairs instead of the elevator to the fourth floor.

"You're so thin, yet so out of shape. We could've taken the elevator." Bobby sassed. When we finally reached my floor, I was too busy gasping for air. 

"So many stairs." I rasped. "Lets. Take- a break?" I begged.

"I never remember your door number, what was it again?"He asked completely ignoring me. I glared his way before pointing down the hall.  With squinted brows, we began to walk again.

Why couldn't we float or teleport? That would be nice. Everything would be simple-easy.

My thoughts were cut short as our bodies suddenly tumbled into one another. "Key?" He asked sweetly with batted lashes. If he asked me this any other day, I would give him the thing with out a care in the world, but now it was different.

With much reluctance, I gave him my key.  A quick twist and pull of the handle sent my door flying open and my heart racing, and no it wasn't because I was afraid. There, standing on the opposite side of the door stood a hunk facing us with his hand in the air as if he were just about to reach for the handle.

"Well I'll be damned."Booby said looking the guy up and down before two set of eyes landed on me. 

Aren't cliffhangers the best ;)

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