chapter 2

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It had been a few days since Harry came and settled in, 9 children's rooms were set up as well as 4 well 5 adult rooms. Harry was currently sat in the living room thinking over plans it was then a hooded figure appeared, he looked at it wondering who it was "I see you are settled in well" "I am, how come you're here?" Harry asked "Ah I came to see if you're ready to take one in, don't worry we won't give you all the kids right away we want them to come one at a time and settle them in, we will start with Severus Snape" "that's fine with me, so how will it work with getting them, I think we created a new timeline and we can't have two of the same people exist, and who are you? I can't see your face" "Ah I am fate, now Harry, I will take you to them, and you'll return here" Harry nodded. "Alright quick question, what era is this, so I know also besides stopping Dumbledore, I am free to go about it as I wish?" fate thought about it for a moment then answered. "no, all you need to do is stop Dumbledore how you achieve that we leave to you, and it's your parents era so they will be going to Hogwarts in about mmm 7 or so years, that's a rough guess we have also moved some ages around as well" "ok thank you, I was thinking the other day how to go about this, I just needed to confirm a few things" "not at all Harry, not at all now shall we go get Severus Snape?" Harry nodded fate took Harry's hand and transported them to Severus Snape they were in an empty park.

"Alright, so how do I get him, as it would be kidnapping?" Harry asked "Ah we've set plans in motion, such as social services to take them in you will be the emergency foster family, then I'll bring you back with the child and you can do what you feel is right next" Harry nodded. fate led him to a house it was furnished "Now you just have to wait" Harry nodded reading a magazine to pass the time, as well as explore the house it was a simple house it was then a knock came. he opened the door to show a magical social worker and said "Ah are you Mr Peverell?" Harry nodded "I am, how can I help?" Harry asked "I was wondering if you could take in a child, we need an emergency foster placement for them" Harry nodded. "of course!" he let them in, seeing a very young and scared Severus Snape holding the social worker's hand. Harry closed the door Severus sat down on the sofa, the social worker explained to Harry what happened about the neighbour reporting abuse.

"that's awful, I know from experience it wasn't physical abuse but more mental, don't worry he's safe but why a magical social worker" "Ah we always come when it's a child, as it might be there a muggle-born and we find some muggles especially the religious ones are not the kindest" "that is true, I am only here temporarily so if it is alright I will take him to my manor" "that's fine, but I'll need to do checks so could I have your address to owl you so you can open the floo or wards, so I can come or someone else from my department" "of course, I can do that" the social worker nodded and went after going over what was needed, when they had Harry went over and knelt he said. "hello can you tell me your name? mines Harrison but you can call me Harry" he gave a kind smile, Harry couldn't see the once cruel potions teacher he knew, who did what he did to keep him and others safe. No all he saw was a scared little boy who was abused "Se-Sevus" was all he said. "Well Severus it's nice to meet you, now we'll be leaving and going to my real home, this is somewhere safe where you'll have everything you want and also siblings"

Severus was unsure, but something told him Harry could be trusted and he could sense that Harry had been through something similar. when he took Harry's hand, he picked him up and gave Severus a dreamless sleep potion, and once he had fate took them. when they got back it seemed Severus was out of the count. "I will take my leave, when we can see he's settled well, return to let you know Tom Riddle or another version of you is coming" Harry nodded and put Severus to bed in his new room. it was a navy blue Harry had transfigured a toy bat and doe for him, which Severus curled up with, after he left him to sleep and set a ward up to let him know when he woke up the two went to the living room.

The elves had left a drink out for him and some treacle tart, he smiled and ate as he thought about what to do next. he got a self-writing quill and said "Let's see, tomorrow I need to take him to be checked at the bank, then clothes and stuff for his room, toys and things" the quill wrote it down. Severus slept through the night until the following day when he woke up in his new room. "Is dis a dweam?" he asked himself he heard a knock on the door and jumped a mile in surprise. he watched as the door opened to show Harry, he let a breath go he didn't realise he held, Harry gave him a kind smile he sat on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling Severus?" "o-otay, where am I?" "Ah, you are at my home, you were fast asleep so I put you in what will be your room, later we can have it decorated any way you want, any colour or wallpaper now how about we go get some breakfast? then well go to the bank I have to see them about something, and after we can go shopping for things you'll need, like some clothes and even toys so is that ok?" Harry asked Severus was shocked, this man was so kind and wanted to give him a home, toys and everything he couldn't understand why but he felt like he could trust him he nodded.

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