Chapter 2: Kindred spirits

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Y/n pov:

<Early the next morning...>


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Y/n: No... I'm... NOT!!!

I sit up from the table shaking like a leaf... Damn nightmares... How and why am I the only Badnik capable of having nightmares!?

Sage: Brother, I heard you shouting. Is everything ok?

Y/n: I-it's fine Sage... Just another nightmare. I get those a lot... I'll be ok... I-I hope...

I look through a missing panel in the ceiling.

—-Checking power reserves...—-

—-Power levels optimal—-

Alright, that's good.

Y/n: Power's in the green, everything looks good, let's go do some shopping.

Sage: Both of us?

Y/n: Yeah. It's not like there's anything important here if this place gets raided anyway.

Sage nods her head and follows behind me with a smile as we leave the bunker. I lock it up before leading her through the forest and back to the cliff.

Y/n: Now... how to get back up there... Hmmm...

I go back, grab a plank of wood and a tree trunk, come back and set up a rudimentary catapult. Where can I find something heavy enough? That boulder looks like it'll do the trick!

Y/n: Sage, stand back. This might not end well.

I pick up the boulder and throw it with all my might. When it lands on the other side, I'm launched up like I intended. Surprising really.

Y/n: Dang. Maybe my luck is finally turning around.

Sage: You could have just climbed up.

Y/n: Maybe, but I'd rather not waste the energy.

Sage points us in the right direction and I fully conceal myself with my cloak, even pulling it over my head. Heh, I look like a Jedi. Or maybe a Sith. Or either... Tsk, should've grabbed that DVD player from Scrapnik Island before we left... would've been really handy. We go into the shop and I look through the selection of seeds...

Y/n: Hmm... Decisions, decisions... Well, wildflowers are a must... They'll be good for bees too. Sunflower seeds, yes. Now... What else to get-

???: Fancy seeing you here, Mecha Sonic.

I turn and meet eyes with the same redhead from yesterday evening.

Y/n: Oh, morning redhead. I didn't know you were into gardening. By the way, I prefer the name Y/n. Mecha Sonic's kind of redundant considering how far removed I am from my fleshy counterpart's look now.

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