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Izuku covered his mouth in shock

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Izuku covered his mouth in shock


He phone buzzed

It was Shona

He picked it up to hear sobs

"I failed Izuku we failed." Shona choked through he sobs.

"Hey I need you to calm down should I come over?" Izuku asked

"Yes please." Shona choked

Izuku saw his twin walk in the room

"The brat probably ran away. Saw that she was just a burden or even better killed herself." Izumi said with a smug face.

Izuku looked at his twin.

His eyes only held hate

His sister looked at him smoking coming from her mouth.

"You wanna say something?" She said

Izuku just got up and walked to the door

"Tell mum that I'm at Shona's"

He said before he slammed the door.


A woman with spiky blonde hair wept on the ground for her girl to come back

Her husband held her tightly rocking her back and forth.

"What if she was kidnapped?" The woman inquired

"She's defensless she's just a kid." The woman carried on muttering

A boy about 11 looked his mothers state.

He felt guilty

He just wanted his sister to become something where she wouldn't be in harms way.

Did he go to far this time.

He knew he must of gave her some broken bones and Izumi burnt her and Shoto froze her eye lid.

What if she died

What if he killed his little sister.

His best friend.

His number one fan

He went in his room and climbed out of the window.

It was raining like it represents his shitty feeling

He ran through alleyways looking for her.

He got to an alleyway to see her a woman sat next to her talking to her kindly while smoking.

maybe this was for the better.

Like what did he do to help her?

Make her afraid of explosions, sure. But what good did he do?


Shona was crying into Izuku's shoulder as he cried too.

Shoto stayed at the door.

"The brat deserve it" he said walking away from the door to see his siblings with grim faces.

It was another loss to the family.

first his brother now the brat

Shoto kissed his teeth and went to his room.


After talking to the kid Fuyuko noticed her asleep on her shoulder she shook her head.

"i guess i have another one." she said picking the kid up looking down the alleyway to see a pre teen identical to the girl.

The boy ran as soon as she saw him. She then started to walk away to the streets walking out of town.


The girl was carried on the back of  Fuyuko

She was exhausted mentally and physically.

She walked through the country side passing rice farms and mountains. The air was cleaner then then the over crowded town of Tokyo.

The girl stirred awake.

"W-WERE ARE WE?!" She shouted almost falling of Fuyuko's back

"Stop panicking we are going home." Fuyuko said like it was the most normal thing

"Yeah like going with a strange lady is normally?!" Kazumi said sarcastically.

"We need to treat those wounds." Fuyuko said still walking.

Kazumi huffed finally stoped moving

"So how old are you?" Fuyuko asked in a friendly tone

"Nine." Kazumi mumbled

"Wow im- well I don't know how old I am." Fuyuko said.

Kazumi had a confused look

"What the fu-"


(3 chapters in one day yay 😁😁😁)

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