In Love With The Player:Cheers To The Future

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About an hour, Austin and I got ready for clubbing tonight

I wore a navy blue, satin short gown with a black ankle strap platform shoe

Mom is definitely going to freak out when she sees me in this

"You should be a reflection of good character not reveling your true self through bad character"

I echoed her word in my head the last time she caught me doing such
I pray I don't cross her path this time, it freights me when she could get here in just an hour

I gathered some confidence and shurrged  the thought away

"Focus" I mutter to my self

"You ready" Austin asked while he held out his hand for me, I nodded in approval

I locked my apartment door and we both headed for the elevator

I sat in the car in silence
"What's wrong" Austin asked, taking a curve to the club's place

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit worried"

"That what" he looked at me

"Mom is gonna catch us again"

He burst out laughing, I also had to join
I could recall the day mom came to my house and both of us were drunk

"Is this how you're gonna be behaving, in your husband's house, Pamela, you're moving on the wrong path"

We arrived at Starlight Club few minutes later, damnit, it was bustling

The whole car park was crowded
"Oh today is Friday"  Austin mutter under his breath

"Are you sure Hank will be around" I asked while unbuckling  the seat belt

"I'm not sure, looks like he isn't around"

Hank was our friend who owns the club, we are always in the VIP sector

We entered the club, there was loud percussive music blasting all over the place

The people were like a swarm of bees
We scaled through them, took a seat near the counter

I signed in furstration, having a bad feeling about this

A lady dressed in black whatever was pole dancing and approached us

"Hello handsome" she greeted in a very seductive tone

"Sorry darling, just pull yourself out of that string" I knew where this was going, I had to beg her to stay away

She ignored me, placing her hands on his thighs

Austin chuckled and ordered our drink
I wanted a chocolate martini while Austin ordered vodka for him and his 'girl'

The girl kept flirting with Austin, while he kept smiling, I was stranded
I could feel my phone vibrate in my purse

"Shit my mom" I cursed under my breath
Austin shook his head not looking at me

I rushed outside the club
"Hey mom"

"PAMELA!! Where are you" she screamed

"Er at home"

"What!!!" She let out an ear piercing scream
"I never raised a lier, wait are you at the club"

Her head has suddenly hit realization
"Yes mom" I answered in a low tone


"Urgh, mom don't be a no fun ass"
I retorted
"I'll be back before midnight"

"Don't even think of coming to my house" she was already getting vexed

"Mom, wait, it's not like that, I understand what you are trying to say bu--"

"No, I don't wanna hear it, I don't, Pamela, child I've tried" her voice was getting hitched, I could hear her sniffing

With that she ended the call.
Great what I've I done this time

I rushed back to the club, and all I could see was my best friend busy talking to a floozie

"Dude, I need to go,the keys"

"Now" his eyebrows furrowed

"Yes now, I need to see mom"

"Fine I'll be ready in an hour"

"An hour" I screamed loud enough for people to hear, but music was blasting all over the place

He hissed, clearly leaving me in this dilemma.

I sat on the stool, a guy dressed in black shirt and black trousers approached me

"Need some help"

I smiled recognizing that voice

"Hank!!" I shouted happily

"What's up girl, so sorry about what happened, my condolences"

"What are you talking about" I chuckled

"Your breakup with Colton"

I stared at him with a confused look hanging on my face

"How, how did you know that I broke up with Chr-" I stopped abruptly realizing I was in a public place

"I saw the news"

He brought out his phone and showed me one of the news with the caption

Billionaire 'Colton Whyte' ends relationship with fashion designer Pamela White, but engaged to Amanda Sawyer, award winning actress and model
Their wedding is taking place in Nassau Bahamas, it promises to be the best of it.

My eyes were beginning to get teary,I scrolled up and saw pictures of I and Colton in the restaurant and Amanda

I can feel my world collapsing
I looked at the comments they were hurtful comments

A user wrote
Finally, I thought he's going to be stuck with Pamela or whatever, she's such a gold digger, imagine holding his hands that way, girl he's a billionaire.

Another one wrote
Seriously 😒, Pamela likes the common people like us to be embarrassed, such a classless lady, aha she didn't expect the breakup.

The third one wrote
Bitch, gold digger, claiming long relationship

My hands were shaking for me to receive this news, i couldn't believe my eyes.

The phone was about to fall, luckily Hank caught it in time

"I think you should go home, rest, darling don't listen to them okay, I order a taxi for you"

Hank assured me
The taxi came and took me home
I wanted to bury my head in my pillow and sleep off

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