In Love With The Player: My Floozie

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I signed, staring at the ceiling blankly
I clutched unto the sheets closely, but she kept pulling it towards herself alone

"Don't be ridiculous" I shot her a glance

Sleeping peacefully, has she got no shame

My phone beeped, a text message

Pam: On my way to your apartment, be there in three minutes

Me: What the, you could have informed me earlier

Pam: Do I need to inform my bestie before I come to his house,🙄🙄

Me: You're being silly

Pam: Fuck off😾😾.

I woke the blonde roughly

"You have to leave now" I said with a grin on my face

She was supposed to stand, instead she clutched tighter unto me

"Why, didn't you call enjoy last night, I love it, every bit of it" she spoke seductively

"I did, but my bestie is coming and things could get a little complicated now"

The doorbell interrupted us, while she stood leaving for the bathroom

I got dressed in black shorts without any shirt

"Pam, hi come in"

"Of course I will" she walked past me, our shoulders brushing against each other.

"Fine I'm sorry if I've said anything wrong, okay"

"My, my looks like someone had a wild night" she had this huge grin plastered to her face.

Argh, I knew where this is going to, I hated this

"Yes I had a wonderful night"

"Ah knew it" she laughed sardonically, taking that as a sign of huge defeat.

Her brows furrowed when she saw the Blonde's cloth strewn across the floor.
She shook her head in despair, obviously irritated with the current predicament.

"You could have at least done 'this' in the room" she shook her head, pointing to the clothes on the floor

"What's your point coming here"
I asked, her eyes cringed

"Nicole is back"

"Nicole is back" I screamed, in anger, excitement, I couldn't tell

"It's barley a year she left, and she's back, I thought she said she's coming in the next two years"

The blonde girl dashed into the living room, looking all startled, her make-up wasn't in the right order
She was only dressed in her underwear, trying to wear her dress.

"Oh sorry, I didn't think you had company" She turned to Pamela, looking at her with those lustful eyes of hers, bringing out deceit in every form
"Annoying bitch" I murmur

"Austin call me later" she left the room, still half naked, bubbling with so much desire

"I'm leaving you to it" Pamela sat on the sofa making herself comfortable, putting her palms up as a sign of 'i give up'

"Where she"  Feeling the burning sensation in the room, I try to lighten it

"She's planning  a little cookout for us, ah I love this"

"Love what" I question, squirming my eyes

"The way, you always get into a fight with all your floozie, yeah that reminds me, my neighbor, Liliana, the lady you slept with the other time, she asks of you everytime"

Pamela takes this for fun, bringing back my past flirting issues, which makes me  annoyed

"I'm not talking to you ever again" she shook her head, standing from the couch,staring at her phone

"Er, Nicole sent the location, let's go"

Pamela dragged me out of the apartment, holding my keys and my tee's

For what seems like eternity, we finally arrived at the restaurant

Pamela dashed into the restaurant like a child craving for ice cream , I spotted Nicole and a dark haired guy, talking, squeezing each other hands, not giving each of it space

"Nicole" Pamela shouted while rushing towards Nicole's table"

"Hi" I greeted sheepishly, already foretelling the future, knowing where this is going to land

"Hi, Austin, long time no see" Nicole stood up, engulfing me in a warm hug

"Yeah, yeah, you can let go"  I pulled out from the embrace, pulling out a chair for my self

"So guys I want you to meet my husband to be, Jean Claude Nicholas"

"It's nice to meet you guys, I'm pleased" he beamed with smiles

We spent the whole evening, chatting, catching up on old times, smiling and keep moving with the flow

"Oh gosh, that was one of the best date I've ever had" Pamela rested her head on the car head rest, smiling sheepishly

"You okay there Pam"

"Yeah I'm cool" I started the car turning to the opposite side of the road

"I forgot to tell you I'm going for Colton's Wedding"

She glanced at me, a muscle in my jaw dropped, my hands clutched tighter to the steering wheel

Why must she bring up that idiot's name, that nitwit, twat

"Austin you're not saying anything" she hit my curiosity, I knew it she stills loves this guy

"Yeah" I cleared my throat
"It cool, so far you've found someone to go with"

"That's it, I'm going for a date tomorrow, I pray this works out this time"

"Er pam, I'm spending the night at your house"

"Hope you're not inviting one of your floozie this time"

I grimaced at her, making her burst into laughter

"Let's just go"

Hey guys
Today's my birthday,
As promised two chapters

Now guys, we've got a new cover 💃💃💃💃🤭

It's up to you guys to know which cover I'm to use.
I'll post the first one in this chapter
Then the second in the other chapter.

You guys will comment which one I should pick as our new cover

You guys have to comment oo..
Love y'all

Yours sincerely
Emerald 🤍🤍🤍

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