Chapter Seven

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"I can explain."

I didn't know what to say. I hadn't recovered from the initial shock from what the man had said. Many questions ran through my head.

Who is the man?

Why does he want me?

Does he know Nash has me?

The list grew and grew. It seemed unending.

"That man is the reason you're here. He wanted you. He talked to me about you a lot and would do anything to get you. If he knew I had you now, he would probably kill me to get to you. He's ruthless and I knew if I had you, you would be safe for the time being."

A part of me wanted to believe that what he said was true. I didn't know what to think. I couldn't trust Nash right now, that was for sure.

"So am I never going to see my parents again?"

"What? Yes, you will. This guy will move onto another girl now that he knows you're gone. After that I'll take you back to your parents. What you decide to do from there is your decision. I just needed you safe."

"Why did you need me safe?"

"It would kill me if you weren't. If you showed up missing, I would know who had you. I just wouldn't be able to find you. He'd be long gone by now. He's kidnapped many other girls. I couldn't let him have you."

"If he's kidnapped so many other girls and you know why wouldn't you tell someone?"

"That would cost me my life and my family's."

I don't know what I would do if I had to choose between other people's lives and my family's life. I guess I would have to choose my family.

"Why did you help me? You could've just left me and he would have got me," I whispered.

He walked over closer to me,
"I told you that I loved you. I've loved you ever since your freshman year when you first came to high school. I was a senior then."

He was in my school? I tried thinking back to remember him, but it didn't help. I couldn't remember him at all. Besides, he probably was the player type in high school.

"This is way too much to take in."

"I know. I'm going to go into the living room to read. When you're done eating you can come watch tv if you want."

"Why can't I read too?"

"Well I mean you can. I have some old teen fiction. You can pick which ever one you want."

"Well, show me where they are."

He smiled and started walking in the direction of the living room. I followed behind him, excited I was going to get to read something. He pointed to a big book shelf that stood way taller than me and him for that matter.

Then he said something that I never thought I'd be so happy to hear,
"Pick whatever books you want."

Well, technically I'm always happy hearing that. I just haven't ever heard it. Which was a bummer because I loved books.

Nash walked across the room to his desk. I scanned the books and decided on two. Paper Towns by John Green and another book that I had never heard of before. I couldn't even really read the title. It was different.

"Here," Nash said handing me a water and some Tylenol," You need to take this. It should ease the pain."

I did as he said. I hadn't paid attention to the pain. That was probably the once thing I wasn't worrying about right now. Complaining hadn't gotten me anywhere anyways.

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