Chapter Twelve

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This is yet another plot twist that I have been waiting ever so patiently to use. So here you go!
Malia's Pov

"I miss you. Lord, I miss you. Can't you just wake up? It's been months, Malia, months," they froze for a second, "what did they do to you?"

They traced a line on my face and then on my arm.

"Scars. Two big scars. I-I did this to you. If I hadn't blow the door off."

They place their hand over mine. This warmth, I've felt before. I was awfully familiar with it.

"Life isn't the same with out you. I- um met your mom this week and your dad. They're great people. I confessed what I did. I'm not supposed to be here. I'm actually supposed to be gone to see my family, but I couldn't leave. I just couldn't leave when you are like this."

My mom? My dad? I know they are great people. You don't have to tell me this.

My whole body was tired and aching. Heck, I can't even remember why. My eyes are heavy. They won't budge. I couldn't move anything. So I laid where I was, wishing that I could figure out who was talking to me. I had heard their voice many times before. It was somewhat soothing. I felt as if I was safe.

"I wish I could talk to you. I wish I could tell you that you can go back home. Everything's okay. You can go back to school, if you want. Things can go back to normal."

Normal? Why would things not be normal?

"Morgan is okay. I thought he was going to die, but he's okay. I-I just thought you'd like to know that."

Water trickled on to my hand. This person was crying.

"I'm supposed to leave. I'm supposed to leave town, that's what the deal was. I-I just can't. I can't. You aren't even awake yet. They said you could still die. How could I leave you? I could they expect me to?"

The more they talked the sleepier I got. The person's word were a lullaby to me and something inside me was just relived to hear their voice. My mind drifted off into the peaceful state I had been in many days. The place where I could dream anything. Anything was possible in that place and I didn't mind staying there forever. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing. The world around me started to fade. Then I finally welcomed the darkness that had become ever so peaceful to me.

-Malia's Dream-

I could hear the giggles of a little girl as I entered the bathroom. I listened to her faint giggle, trying to figure out where she was. Finally I figured out where she was. I slowly opened the cabinet that I thought she was in.


"Ah! Mommy," the girl screamed climbing out of the cabinet.

"I told you I'd find you," I said smiling at my two year old daughter, River.

"Nu uh!"

I carried her out of the bathroom and carefully shut the bathroom door.

"Doll," River questioned.

"Yes you can go play with your dolls," I said setting her down.

I scanned the room to see what need to be done next. I had been sidetracked by River and forgotten what I was doing. Ah, the kitchen. I have to finish cooking.

The thought was funny to me, in a way. It's been four years since I've been out on my own, but I'm still not used to doing things by myself. It's just weird to me. I have a husband and daughter, a beautiful daughter. It doesn't even seem real. I loved how it was, but couldn't help but feel like it could be different. I desperately missed, at times, being at home. I had a fairly easy life there.

I checked the clock. Chris, my husband, would be home in ten minutes.

"Mommy. Mommy. Mommy."

"Yes sweetheart?"

River had just recently figured out that I would automatically answer to 'mommy.' She's truly a mess.


"He'll be home soon."

As soon as the words left my mouth the door opened.


"Hey baby girl," Chris said picking up River and kissing her in her head.

River point at her head where Chris had kissed her second ago.

"Mommy. Mommy. Mommy," she said indicating for him to kiss me too.

He smiled and sat her down. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead in the process.

"Babe, I invited a friend over for dinner."

He moved to the side, showing a guy that was oddly familiar.

"His name is Nash."

Nash? My head started hurting. I couldn't take it. I laid my head to Chris's chest.

"Are you okay?"

Who is Nash?

The pain increased.

What is going on?

-Here we go kids. Back to reality.-

"She's waking up!"

"I don't know what just happened but I'm glad it did!"

Waking up? I don't even remember passing out. I dorm remember doing anything.

I forced my eyes open. White light hit my eyes painfully. I squinted, trying to get a view on what was going on around me.

"Oh, sweetheart!"

I could tell exactly who that was, that was my mom. She smiled brightly as tears rolled down her face. I was guessing they were "happy tears" as she called them. My dad stood nearby too, watching me with bright tried eyes. He looked like he had been awake for week. Then in a chair beside him sat Morgan, the guy I had just met in school a few days ago.

"How do you feel," my dad asked me.

"What am I doing here?"

"Don't you remember," mom asked me glancing at the doctor beside her.

"There's a possibility that she won't remember right now. There's always a possibility she won't remember ever," the doctor said quietly.

The room fell silent and no one offered a word. Why wouldn't they tell me?

"Ju-just a car wreck honey. You ran into something. Everything's okay," my mom told me.

"Rose," my dad said in a shocked tone.

"That's  exactly what happened. Isn't that right Phillip," my mom asked.

He nodded his head and walked out of the room. I couldn't help but feel like they were keeping something from me.

"Well honey, I'm going to be get something to eat. You need some rest," moms aid kissing my head and leaving.

Then there was Morgan and I.

"What's the last thing you remember," Morgan asked you.

I smiled slightly remembering the last thing that had happened.

"I just met you at school and here we are, they day after."

He stayed quiet. I didn't understand what everyone's problem was. I'm awake now, from everything that happened.

"I'm going to get some good," he said leaving as quickly as possible.

As I sat in my room by myself, i couldn't help but thing about my dream. Well, what I'm not guessing was a dream. Something about it felt as real.  I have no idea who Chris is and I don't know Nash either. I feel like I've seen him before, but can't quite figure it out. I felt like I wasn't remembering something.

Would this feeling ever go away?

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