Chapter One: Pilot

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It was a really quiet afternoon,so quiet I could hear the birds chirping at the top of the trees. The roads seemed longer or I guess it was always like this, I really don't remember anymore. It's been ages since I came here. I shivered at the thought of that "here". Yes I was returning to Redwoods my hometown though this was definitely not a decision I made whole-heartedly. My mind drifted to the fateful day I and my mum had left reliving the hateful stares,the curse words I was way too young to have heard,the eggs that were thrown at us. I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by the honk of an incoming car. I quickly swerved the wheel, nearly slamming into a tree. "Watch where you are going " the driver of the other car bellowed . I bowed my head in sign of an apology, way to start my stay here. I got out to see the extent of damage on my car. I sighed in relief as it was nothing much. I made a more conscious effort to drive safely to our old house, it had been built by my dad so yes, it's still ours. It took hours to get it cleaned when I was done I threw myself into the worn out sofa in the living room. Seeing how we never ever even packed our furniture my mum was definitely ready to hide the truth from me forever. The truth which I still don't know except that a month ago, on my nineteenth birthday, I went out against my mum's orders and on my way back I started to feel weird, scratch that I remember the immense pain like it was yesterday; it felt like all my bones were breaking, twisting and turning in ways they shouldn't be. I screamed in agony and just like that my mum had appeared out of the blue. She looked at me with a hint of disappointment then she helped me make my way to the balcony of our home. I could see the anger in her eyes but I was in way too much pain to care "Mum what's happening to me, I can't breathe, it feels like something is piercing through me" I screamed and then it happened. A slow process but I could feel every part of it. The mind shattering noises of my bone, the extension of my spine." Arrrrghhhhhhhh" my voice pierced the silence. I literally flipped into a freaking wolf or dog or something. I kept hearing myself scream constantly but my mum just stared like it was a normal occurrence. Next my brain could process I was in bed,my bed. I ran out to see mum hoping that last night had been a dream but as I guessed, it wasn't "Let's talk " were my mum's exact words. "Sweetie you need to listen to me very carefully; I was hoping this day would never come but it's probably for the best." "I don't want to hear this, I want to know what happened yesterday," I screamed, cutting her off.

"Calm down missy, I'm trying to explain to you, don't make it hard for the both of us,I'm about to tell you something crazy " she began. Not as crazy as my mind is right now" I muttered. She smiled a very little smile but I could see it. "Twenty years ago a woman had met and fallen in love with her boss. Itwas one of the most beautiful parts of her life, they'd both go out during the night admiring the moon and everything the night had to offer. Their relationship lasted almost a year when the woman realized she was pregnant. She was very scared so she told the father and after much persuasion, he took her into his world... that's what he called it. " she paused to catch her breath but I didn't let her continue "How does this affect anything? " I queried. "Don't you get it dear? I'm the woman in the story " my mum said. When your father said his world he meant to tell me he belonged to a pack, a pack of werewolves. He was the prince of this pack. This pack is in redwood where you grew up" "How is that possible, werewolves don't exist mum" I trailed off because I knew that it was possible at least my body had proven that to me. " Why don't I remember dad ?" I asked " A lot happened dear, your dad had to wipe your memories of him and his world..." she said her voice wavering "What is this a lot mum, why don't I feel like my head was messed with? " I asked, tears beginning to form in my eyes." "Because that was what was best for you. I can't tell you everything but you will need to return to redwoods " she informed. "Huh, are you joking? you have to be, they hate us in that town " I replied." " That's where you belong, it's your fate to restore your packs name. I thought I'd be able to hide you from it" "No" I started cutting her off. " I refuse to believe this story " "it's the truth dear. You need to return to learn how to control your self " I didn't hear the rest of her story cause I started running outside. I ran to the back where the lake was. I was running faster than I'd ever ran, too fast... next thing I knew I had shifted into a wolf then changed back to normal in record time. It was like that for weeks till I finally decided to accept the truth and move back to Redwoods. My mumsaid I'd barely be recognized by anyone.

Her only instruction was to go to Lumix institution. "What is that place?" I asked suspiciously. "An organization run secretly by the other. members of your father's pack that survived, it used to be run by his best friend Michael Dion but I heard his son took over" she paused to take my reaction in. "When you get there tell them you are the daughter of Elisha. They'll know what to do by the way leave at midnight " she said with a weird smile on her face "Mum, how dangerous is this? " "you'll be fine, princess" And now I'm here ,it's past eleven so I pull myself out of my thoughts so I could prepare for what was lying ahead of me . I searched through my suitcase thinking of what to wear finally I decided on leather cargo pants and a crop hoodie paired with black ankle boots. I slipped my phone into my backpack and slouched it on my shoulder as I used my hands to comb through my hair. "Oh dear" I whispered to myself then shut the door. I was filled with so much fear and adrenaline as I made my way following the directions my mumgaveto mewhich only the way was much harder than she had explained. I squealed at every animal noise and jumped at the slightest sound. I was beyond scared. I wished every second that mum had tagged along but according to her I had to be alone to be accepted. After about forty five minutes and two or more attempts at returning home I ended up at the door of a very huge mansion. At the very high top I could see the letters LUMIX inscribed. "Now what do I do; I can't just knock on such a door at this hour and say pardon me. I'm the runaway daughter of your incumbent leader and I need you to teach me how to stop turning into a monster wolf without my permission... oh damn I should have come during the day why did I listen to mum" I kept rumbling in my head. I pretended to scream the name that mum gave me but for a reason I could only remember his last name. It was like the name had been pulled out of my head. I continually kept chanting Dion in my head hoping to recollect his first name but it wouldn't come. In frustration I grunted Dion in a very low pitch and just like that the huge doors opened. I stared in shock and a hint of disbelief. A figure was approaching or more than one, I don't even know, it was just hard for my brain to process any information as of this moment.

The liquids in my mouth were drying out and suddenly made me feel so dehydrated. I didn't realize I was taking steps back till his voice rang out "Don't be scared, little one" I looked at him and I could see very clearly which was weird. Actually I made my way here without a torch. I stared again, he should be about 6 '4 ft tall with ginger brown hair,deep black eyes I could get lost in. I mentally kicked myself that I thought about something of that nature at such a crucial time . "Who are you?" I asked ,my voice much more feeble than I had intended. He let out a slight chuckle "You called "was his reply and if I must add he had quite a deep but alluring voice. " I didn't, how would you have heard me? I was talking very quietly. How is it possible for you to have heard me.. from the depths of such a huge building? You must have been following me, you must... "the laughter of the man behind him made me stop. " Thing is,you didn't call me little one, you howled for me" he said as his eyes turned a piercing shade of red. "Nice to meet you, Melissa "he stated his face shaped into a beautiful smirk.

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