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Growing up, So Mun was never a competitive type of kid. He went against other people in everything; Grades, games, and obviously competitions were the things that he had to do the most, but yet never felt the strong need to be better than everyone else.

That was at least until he became a street racer.

Maybe it was the adrenaline that pumped through him, or the risky feeling that he might get caught doing something like this but he cared alot about winning these races. It's not even like this was a waste of time, either. He won money and other prizes the majority of the time whenever he did this.

He cared about everything that ties into the field of racing; Island, his car, his signature outfit for races, you name it. It's one of the only things he has to distract him from his struggles.

Most of the time, So Mun was an easy-going and calm person; He didn't raise his voice at anyone, he didn't complain, none of that. He wasn't a child. But if anything bad happens that relates to his race, his patience will break.

So whenever Seunwoo came into his room to tell him there was going to be a race between Greaser and Island, he immediately stopped working on his drawing and went to go shower to get ready.

Even though Seunwoo said it started in an hour, So Mun still got dressed, fixed up, and everything in less than twenty minutes. Whenever he went downstairs Taejoon asked him, "Did you even wash your dick?" which made So Mun respond with his middle finger. At least he wasn't the one who took over an hour just to have a concert by himself.

He checked the time on his phone and it read 7:26. The race started at eight o'clock so he didn't have to rush to eat his food or anything. He sat there at the kitchen table while scrolling through social media on his phone.

So Mun then decided to go ahead and get inside his car once he finished his meal. He grabbed his keys as he walked out the door to find some Greaser members sitting in the grass. He waved hello at them before entering his car and driving to the street where they were going to race.


This time, Do Hana was excited for a race against Island.

This time, she won't let herself lose to the same team for the fifth time.

As she put on her leather jacket, she spotted So Mun pull up in his car and get out, walking towards her as he held something in his hand.

"I figured you were gonna compete today, huh?" He half grinned at her.

She rolled her eyes at him. "What do you want?"

He handed her a flashlight with the initials D.H engraved on them. "Seok told me to give this to you, what's it for?"

"Nothing that concerns you, dumbass," Hana replied before she went back to her car. "It's almost eight o'clock, better be ready."

So Mun smiled in return as he walked back to his car and got in, driving up to the starting line. He saw Yunhee through the window on her laptop, checking the cameras around the city to make sure there were no police officers on their way.

There were eight cars in total. Bigger number than usual. He swallowed nervously as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, watching his surroundings.

Then he heard Taejoon's countdown.





Whenever the horn went off, all the cars immediately started driving through the street, making sure to not bump into each other for various reasons but not letting them pass by them either.

𝗝𝗜𝗞𝗝𝗜𝗡; 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - MunhanaWhere stories live. Discover now