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How the hell do I fix an Alternator was the first question Hana asked herself that day.

She stood beside So Mun's car with her hands on her hips as she looked at the open hood of his vehicle, staring at the broken alternator in the engine.

She wasn't going to actually damage his car and let him suffer with it; Maybe Chanwook would've done that, but she wouldn't. That's too mean, so she went out after breakfast and bought So Mun a brand new one.

Hana wasn't going to tell him though; She wanted it to be a surprise. Then, maybe he will tell her what her new nickname means.

She brushed her fingers across the dusty alternator as she inspected it. It was probably around two years old and looked like the old model she had. It was surprisingly cold and it made her go get her gloves.

When she came back, she saw how Seok was waiting for her. "So after breaking his car you decide to fix it?" He had an annoyed glare on his face as Hana walked passed him.

"I bought him a new one, actually," She took the new alternator out of the box and held it, even thought it was heavy. "Yesterday when he came back from the store was when I first looked inside his car. I wanted to buy him a new one, but first I wanted to mess with him."

She patted it, "Consider this his gift for getting first place,"

Seok laughed, and he helped her take out the old one. "Your insane."

"I wonder who I got it from,"

After spending an hour replacing it, Hana was about to leave and act like she didn't do anything but someone had come outside.

So Mun froze. "Don't tell me you popped my tires this time,"

She shook her head no. "I replaced your alternator with the latest kind,"

Hana tried to decipher was the look was on his face but struggled. Surprised? Anger? Admiration?

He slowly walked towards her, and she leaned back towards his car. He looked at her then back at the vehicle with scrunched eyebrows. "Is this a prank?"

She pointed to the hood of his car, "See for yourself."

He opened it with his arms, flexing a little and his eyes widened as he saw what was in fact the new alternator. "You actually..."

Hana held a smug grin on her face, "You like it?"

"Love it," He faced her. "I'm just confused on why you ruined my first one then decided to buy me a new one."

"I wanted to mess with you a little bit," Hana admitted.

So Mun just stares at her blankly before he smiles at her. A real, genuine, smile that instantly makes Hana smile as well. "Thank you,"

"Try it with a drive," She offers. "See if it feels new."

He nods as he gets inside the car and as he rolls down his window he speaks, "Thank you flower." And drives off.

As Hana waves at him goodbye a thought strikes her, I forgot to ask him what 'flower' means, god damn it.


Mr. Shin Jaehyun was someone not to be messed with.

Infact, if anyone did try to mess with him, their life would be at risk.

You could be murdered, beaten, drugged, robbed, you name it. This was something no one ever wanted to go through willingly, yet it happened to many people.

Jaehyun was someone who wanted to make sure everything that occurred benefited him in a type of way. He thought the world revolved around him, you can say, but him being a narcissistic was just the start if his problems.

He's been associated with violence his entire life. When he was only sixteen, he strangled a classmate of his to death because he stole the dodgeball during P.E. There, because of his rich family, he didn't receive a proper punishment and continued on to act with violence.

Once he dropped out, Jaehyun joined the life of crime with his corrupt brother; Shin Myeonghwi, who was the mayor of their city at the time.

He was his secret personal assistant, due to his brother not wanting anyone else to know a seventeen year old was helping him.

So when his brother got arrested, Jaehyun punished other fellow criminals for fun and of hopes to help get Myeonghwi get released. "Punishing." As in violence, obviously. He did it for money. He rounded up poor, naive, people and ordered them to do whatever he said. They didn't get paid but as an exchange, he kept their identities secret and gave them a place to stay.

His nephew, Shin Hyeoku, was someone that obeyed him, but was always happy, better off with him then his father.

That's what Jaehyun thought, atleast.


Ree Chanwook stepped into the hideout as he nonchalantly put his suitcase on the floor, the wheels hitting the wood aggressively. "Anybody here?"

Yunhee stepped downstairs to see him. "Your the guy that set the Greasers warehouse on fire, right?" She had her hands in her pockets as she walked towards him.

"With my cigarette, yeah sure," He smirked before he adjusted his collar. "The place was really old, anyway. It was about time it would set to flames."

Motak came stomping in. "You did that on purpose?" His eyebrows were raised suspiciously, and he could tell from the smug grin on the youngers face he had guessed correctly.


"I fucking knew you were trouble the moment you joined our team!" Hana had yelled as she came inside the room with rage on her face. "You could've affected our lives in the worst way possible by this action you did on purpose, yet you don't care?"

"Hana," Chanwook spoke. "Calm down,"

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down," Hana growled. "I've been waiting for you to come back so I could yell at you in the face for doing this."

"Oh yeah?" He smirked. "What about I'll hit you, so it'll be even." He popped his knuckles.

She took a step back, uneasy with how he was acting, but he took a step forward. This wasn't how he usually acted.

Hana had always told everyone to never get involved if she was arguing with someone. This was an example.

"So damn annoying." Chanwook hissed as he was raising his hand to strike her against the cheek, but someone had caught his arm and twisted it, resulting in him falling against the floor.

"You don't hit a woman." So Mun said as he pressed his foot into Chanwook's back. "Especially if they did nothing."

"You don't–" He struggled to speak. "Know what happened."

"Yeah right." So Mun replied in English, "I've been watching since Yunhee came downstairs to talk to you."

He looked back up at Hana and mouthed 'Are you okay?' At her, which she replied with a nod.

He blew the curls out of his face and released his foot. "If I catch you messing with someone again, especially her, i'll punch your lights out. Got it?"

Chanwook whimpered a "yes" as So Mun rolled his eyes and walked towards the stairs, heading up the stairs.

He spoke in English once more, "Pathetic little bitch."

𝗝𝗜𝗞𝗝𝗜𝗡; 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - MunhanaWhere stories live. Discover now