Part 8: I Love You...

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Abhi gives Akshu a piece of cloth.

Akshu: Ye kyu?
Abhi: Surprise hai. Agar chahiye toh ye peheno.
Akshu: Arre par....
Abhi: Ok. No surprise then....
Akshu: Acha baba ok.

Akshu then wears the piece of cloth with the help of Abhi. Then Abhi takes Akshu to the garden and the others follow them. The park was decorated with simple white, red, pink, blue and yellow roses.
Abhi asks Neil to record a video and capture the moment. He makes Akshu stand between the decorations he had done. Then he removes the blindfold and asks her to open her eyes. She slowly opens her eyes and gasps seeing the simple yet elegant decoration. All were admiring them.

Abhi: (giving a bunch of yellow roses) Yellow roses are universally known as symbols of friendship. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to become your friend since childhood.

Akshu: (emotionally taking the bunch of flowers) Abhi...

Abhi: (forwarding a bunch of white roses) White roses symbolize loyalty, purity, and innocence. Thanks for being the most loyal one filled with purity and innocence. The one I have ever known.

Akshu takes the bunch of white roses. Others were just admiring them.

Abhi: (forwards a bunch of blue roses) Blue roses are a great way to show appreciation and admiration for someone. Since childhood I have always appreciated you for your every action and everyone knows how much I admire you.

Akshu takes the bunch of blue roses also waiting for the next.

Abhi: (forwarding one pink rose) A single pink rose indicates first love. You were, are and always remain my first love.

Akshu takes the rose and a drop of happy tear falls from her eyes. Abhi wipes it nods his head in a no. Then he kneels down making Akshu gasp and others hoot.

Abhi: (forwards a bouquet of red roses) Red roses symbolize all those things that make a love story great: Passion, desire, true love, and romance. 44 Roses - when you wish to pledge an unchanging and constant love. Here is a bouquet of my pledge of my constant and unchanging love for you Akshu. I LOVE YOU AKSHU. I Love You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You from each body cell of mine. I Love You more than anything. I can do anything and everything for you. You were my past. You are my present. You will be my future. I am all yours.

Akshu is too overwhelmed to say anything. She is just looking at her Abhi with pure love.

Sorry for the delay but I had my exams guys. Being a CA student is not easy uk. Anyways what do you think will happen next!!??

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