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(Mia's POV)


I was woken up by somebody shaking me vigorously, and when I opened my eyes I saw a familiar pair of green ones...

"Mia?! Are you alright?!" Ava questioned frantically.

"Wha?" I mumbled, "Uhh... Yeah I'm fine, why?"

Ava sighed heavily and sat down on my bed, "Your were screaming in your sleep again..." she informed me glumly.

I sat up quickly, "Was I?"

My twin sister nodded slowly, "What were you dreaming about?" she asked quietly.

"I was dreaming about the night mom and dad died..." I whispered.

Ava looked down at me with her green eyes sad, "Me too..." she admitted.

She shoved me across the small bed slightly and clambered under my duvet, light was spilling through the window of our bedroom as we lay there...

"It's nearly time to wake up..." Ava muttered.

"We're already awake." I teased, smirking at her.

Her green eyes rolled dramatically, "You know what I mean!" she sighed.

In the end Ava ended up shoving me off the bed, onto the carpeted floor where I quickly rolled onto my feet and sprang at her. We both tumbled off the bed this time laughing and giggling, until our bedroom door was swung open...

"What do you two think your doing?!" a stern voice screeched.

Both me and Ava froze where we were, and looked up to see Madame Penforth... She was a serious woman with her dark, wiry hair pulled into a tight bun on the top of her head, dark-rimmed glasses sat near the tip of her nose, and her lips were pressed into a tight, pale line...

"We... Uhm... Were just getting out of bed." Ava stammered.

Madame Penforth, the owner of the children's home we were staying at frowned at this, "And what are you doing rolling about the floor like two squealing piglets?!" she questioned, sounding outraged.

"We're sorry Madame Penforth." both me and Ava said in unison as we stood up and hung our heads.

The stern woman gave us one last distasteful look, before turning on her heel and exiting our bedroom...

"I can't wait till we turn 16 Mia... Then we can get out of here for good." Ava muttered darkly.

Although I agreed with my sister, I couldn't summon the enthusiasm, "Yeah... But that's in like a year." I grumbled.

Ava grabbed my hand suddenly, "Quick! We need to get to the wash room before everyone else!" she urged as she dragged me from the room.

We both ran full-speed down the long hallways, past the many doors that were the others bedrooms, and finally burst into the washroom...

"Dammit..." Ava huffed as we saw everyone was already here.

In the end we both managed to sort ourselves out for the morning, and headed down to the dining hall for breakfast.

"Hey! It's the identical freaks!" a boy called David Monaghan called loudly as we sat down.

Ava's eyes flashed in annoyance, "Do I have to teach you a lesson again Davy?" she smirked, sounding sickly-sweet.

David's pale green eyes widened, but he decided to drop it... Wise move really. Because if he hadn't, I'm guessing Ava would've done something awful to him...

"Could you pass me the sugar Ava?" I asked my sister politely.

My sister made a grab for the sugar pot but before she could get it, David snatched it from the table with a smug smile playing at his lips...

"Give me the sugar." Ava ordered, holding her pale hand out.

David tutted, "What's the magic word?" he teased in an annoying tone.

Her hand balled into a fist by her side, "Give. Me. The. Sugar." she growled, pronouncing each word as if talking to a small child.

"Magic worrrrrrddddd?!" David chimed, waving the sugar in front of her face.

Ava snapped, "GIVE ME THE SUGAR!!!!" she roared at the boy.

Everyone turned to face her, their eyes wide with shock, "Make m--"

David was cut off by the fact that the sugar bowl he had just been holding was now hovering right in front of his shocked-looking face... I could see my sister was shaking violently, and the bowl hovered upwards until it was just above his head...

"Enjoy your sugar." she said, her voice hard and unrecognisable.

And then the bowl dropped. It hit his head with a dull thud, before falling through the air and smashing to smithereens on the wooden floor...


Both me and Ava turned around to see Madame Penforth standing behind us, her eyes filled with rage, "What on earth is going on?!!" she screeched.

David held his head dramatically, "Ava made the sugar bowl float! Then it fell on my head and smashed!" he reported, sounding crazy.

Madame Penforth scoffed, "It is impossible to make inanimate objects float!" she hissed at him, "Both of you. To your rooms at once!"

Ava stood up quickly, slamming her fists on the table in the process and strode angrily from the room... I paused for a moment, shocked at my sisters outburst but eventually followed in her wake...

What had happened?

"Ava?" I whispered into our room.

I heard a heavy sigh, "What?" she finally answered coldly.

I made my way into the nondescript bedroom and saw she was lying on her bed, facing away from me...

"Are you alright Ava?"

My sister slowly sat up and gave me a look, "No. No I'm not okay." she spat, "Happy?!"

I slowly shook my head as I tried to stop the tears from falling, "No..." I whimpered.

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