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(Ava's POV)

"No. No I'm not okay!" I snapped at my sister, "Happy?!"

Mia looked as if she was about to cry and shook her head, "No..." she whimpered, not making eye contact.

As soon as I saw my twin upset, my anger dissolved completely and I motioned for her to sit next to me... When she did I slowly wrapped my arms around her shaking form and rubbed small circles on her back in a soothing motion...

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, burying my head in her shoulder.

"F-for w-what?" she asked shakily.

My sister pulled away to look at me, "For shouting at you." I clarified, hanging my head.

Mia smiled sadly and lay down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling, "What happened down there?" she questioned quietly.

I sighed and lay down next to her, "I don't know..." was my honest reply.

My sister didn't say anything more on the subject, but I knew it was playing on her mind just as much as mine... Like Madame Penforth said, it's impossible to make inanimate objects float. So how did I do it?

All I know is I was extremely angry at that... Idiotic idiot, and it felt like I was fighting a losing battle to keep my anger under control... But then I just set it free, and well, that happened.

"What are we going to do Ava?" Mia sighed thoughtfully.

"What d'you mean?"

My sister looked over at me with those innocent green eyes, "Madame Penforth's going to... Punish us." she replied, whispering the last part.

At this I sprang off the bed, "We're leaving." I announced, "She won't punish us till tomorrow, so we can leave tonight."

Mia stared at me with wide eyes, "We can't... Can we?" she said in a disbelieving tone.

"We're running away tonight."


At nine o'clock that evening, Madame did her rounds to make sure we were all in bed...

"I don't want to hear a sound from either of you tonight!" she ordered from our doorway, "Got it?!"

Mia sniffed slightly while I nodded, "Got it." I repeated, sounding determined.

As soon as we were sure Madame Penforth was safely in her massive bedroom, me and Mia quietly got out of bed...

"Do you remember the plan?"

Mia shook her head, "What plan?" she squeaked, her eyes frantic, "I thought we were just creeping downstairs as quietly as possible."

I grinned wildly, "Exactly."

My twin sister rolled her emerald green eyes at me, "Trust you..." she muttered.

We were just about to open our bedroom door when suddenly there was a loud bang from somewhere downstairs, "THIS IS THE CIA! EVERYONE STAY EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE!!!" a loud voice commanded, obviously someone with a megaphone.

My heart hammered in my chest as me and Mia leapt back into bed, in fear of being discovered..

"What is going on here?!" Madame Penforth shrieked as boots pounded the stairs.

"We have come to track down Mia and Ava O'Donnel." announced a serious-sounding voice.

Mia's eyes became the size of dinner plates, and in the blink of an eye I grabbed her hand, our rucksacks and threw open our bedroom window.

"What are you doing?" Mia asked, sounding almost hysterical.

I peered out of the window, into the darkness, "We're leaving." was all I said before perching on our windowsill.

When I noticed Mia wasn't following I held out my hand to her, "Are you crazy?" she shrieked.

"Trust me."

Mia seemed to debate with herself for a moment, before she slowly placed her pale hand in my own and carefully sat on the windowsill next to me...

"Ready..." I said, looking down into the darkness. My sister shook her head frantically as I heard footsteps get closer to our door, "Steady..." just then our bedroom door was flung open, revealing Madame Penforth and a man I didn't recognise in a black suit, "GO!" I shouted, pushing off with my feet and my spare hand.

Time seemed to go in slow motion as me and my sister fell through the cold night air, into the dark chasm below... Our hands were tightly gripping one another's, and there was loud cursing from our bedroom window above.

And then darkness...


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