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(Mia's POV)

"GO!" Ava screamed, pushing off the window and pulling me down with her.

I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that we'd live through this. 'Ava must have been desperate to do this...' I thought to myself as we fell through nothingness.

When we stopped falling, I realised I had landed on top of a scratchy bush. Ava, however, hadn't been so lucky...

Her hand was still in mine, but she had hit the grass of the back garden and from experience, I knew that the grass wasn't particularly soft...

"Ava?" I whispered, panicked. I grasped her shoulders and shook her frantically, "Ava, wake up!"

I could hear the sounds of the men looking for us, and knew I didn't have much time... Using all my strength I picked up my twin sister and stumbled forwards. But I was too late...

"They're here!" a large man in a suit bellowed from his position in front of us.

A slightly less-muscled man appeared next to him, "Put her down and put your hands where we can see them!" he ordered gruffly.

I slowly slumped to the floor with Ava and held my shaking hands up in the air. My breathing was shallow and hot tears began rolling down my cheeks...

"Awh... She's jus' a wee lass." the large man crooned, "Cannae we jus' do this gentleh?"

The smaller man shook his head, "They're dangerous Trueman. And they need to be treated as such." he snapped, strolling towards us.

I looked up at him and shuddered, "D-don't hurt us..." I whimpered, so quietly I doubt he even heard me.

Suddenly something hit the back of my head and my whole world went black...


"You awake?" a vaguely familiar voice asked.

I let my eyes drift open to see the same large man who had been there when we had tried to run... Trueman, I think his name was...

"W-where am I?" I questioned, my voice hoarse.

Trueman's eyes softened, "Don' be scared lassie... I'm noh gonnae hurt ye." he soothed.

As I scanned my surroundings, I realised I was in a dimly lit room and my hands were tied behind me...

"Where am I?" I repeated quietly.

"Yer in tha boss' hoose." he informed me with a smile.

I tried to break my bindings, but soon realised I couldn't even get them to budge, "Your not really from the CIA, are you?" I whispered.

Trueman shook his head, "Nah! Course we're noh!" he replied, laughing heartily.

"So who are you?"

The jolly giant became slightly more serious then, "Rebels." he murmured, his accent becoming more pronounced.


"Aye... Rebels."

My eyes watered as I pulled on my bindings, "Where's my sister?" I questioned, trying to keep my voice steady.

"In anothah of these ere rooms." he told me. Trueman chuckled, "Ye won' be escapin' anehtime soon lassie." he sighed.

"Why are we here?"

The large man frowned, "We ere rebels wan' tae ovehthrow the king n queen." he answered in an ambivalent tone.

"And why do you need us?" I enquired, actually interested.

Trueman's light brown eyes met mine, "You n ye sister are some special creatures..." he murmured.


His eyes were uncertain, "Aye... Like me. Im a giant, n Scott's a vampire." was his matter-of-fact reply.

My heart felt like it had stopped, "G-giants aren't real..." I stammered, "Or vampires."

Trueman surprised me by laughing loudly, "O'course we are lassie! Jus' as real as ye are!" he boomed.

"Why did you call us creatures?"

His smile vanished and he manoeuvred to the door, "Noh reason lassie..." he mumbled before leaving me completely alone.

I had to find Ava. And I had to find her soon... She had probably already escaped from her room knowing her, and I couldnt let her down by not being ready...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2013 ⏰

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