The First Acheivement

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Art is created by JKSketchy on DeviantArt

Summary: | ingredients: books, backtalk, and gobbledygook |


Jomo Momo, the greatest and only hero in Vilestown, sat in his secret lair, pondering. One thought only consumed Vilestown's greatest hope: how do you defeat the Powerpunk Girls?

Jomo Momo had tried everything: from giant lasers to death rays, fist fights and mechs — nothing... no one can defeat the X-charged girls —

A sudden thought came to Jomo Momo, and he stopped tapping his fingers together. A truly glorious, amazing, brilliant, genius idea had flashed in the hero's mind.

He couldn't defeat the Powerpunk Girls, but maybe... just maybe...

What if he could make someone who could? Someone who was equal to them, someone who can match them, challenge them, who was made for them.

Jomo Momo, the ape who had never committed a crime in his life, stood up and grabbed his cloak. He didn't know how he'd do it, but by god with Her as his witness, he was going to find a way to create the perfect little heroes.

One thing was for certain, however. Jomo Momo needed Chemical X, and he had none in stock. So with a somewhat heavy heart, Jomo Momo went off to commit his first crime in history.


The heroically great Jomo Momo slammed his head against the lab table for the hundredth time in a row. He'd been trying to make his greatest creations for hours now, and it seemed that nothing was working. Jomo Momo had either used too much Chemical X and the subject became unstable and imploded, or he had either used too little, resulting in his former subjects to topple into ash at the slightest of touches.

The greatly troubled Jomo Momo rubbed his temples, muttering profanities under his breath. He had used up all of the Chemical X in Viletown, save for the one measly vial sitting in front of him. All of his lab chemicals were virtually nonexistent, all of them wasted trying to make the artificial heroes.

Jomo Momo took a deep breath. "It is alright, Jomo," he murmured under his breath. "You can succeed. Think," Jomo Momo squeezed his eyes shut. "How did the Oppressor Plutonium make them? What ingredients did he use? You know him, Jomo Momo, you know how he thinks, you know how he acts. Eric Plutonium is a brilliant man, yes, but sometimes he was so obvious the answer would be sitting right in front of his face —"

Jomo Momo stopped thinking aloud and snapped his eyes open. Yes... yes, of course! It was so obvious, the answer had been right in front of his face the entire time!

The overjoyed Jomo Momo hopped off his chair and gathered the ingredients excitedly. Sweeping his arm, Jomo cleared the useless items off the table and placed his ingredients on the surface. "Yes, yes ... so first I would need a pot to put all my ingredients in," Jomo Momo considered aloud, placing a big pot directly in front of him.

"My creations will need to be smart to outwit and defeat the evil Powerpunk Girls. Yes, very knowledgeable." Jomo put a giant book — the title labeled "STUFF" inside the pot.

He reached for his next ingredient. "The next thing needed will be a little backtalk, something to fuel their fire and fight!" Jomo Momo cackled and grabbed the three ancient sticky notes — back from his high school days, where cruel students would write very, er, eccentric things about the former teenage ape — but that was besides the point!

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