Chapter 05 : Power of Ryujin Clan

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"Why are you so silent?" Megumi asks.

Ahma was deep in her thoughts and didn't notice when Megumi sat beside her. Was it a dream last night? What sort of stupid dream was that?

Megumi notices in surprise as she was in a trance. He holds her arm shaking her a bit.

"Ai," his voice was loud.

Ahma jolts in surprise, "Yes...Megumi...what happened?"

"He has beem calling you for a long time," Yuji plops beside them.

"I am sorry. I was thinking," Ahma says.

Megumi and Yuji were about to ask what she was thinking about when Nobara ran to them screaming.

"Ryu saaaaaaaaaaaaaaan,"

"What is it, Nobara?" Ahma asks.

Nobara begins to speak about something random complaining about her uniform. But Ahma's mind wasn't in ease. Was it a dream last night or was it real? Why would she dream something like that out of nowhere.

"Hey hey....Ai," Yuji pokes her cheek.

Ahma looks at Yuji. Megumi became pissed.

"Who do you think you are to call her in a nickname?" Megumi frowns at Yuji.

"Huh! Why can't I?" Yuji asks pouting.

They began to bicker like children.

"It's alright, Yuji. Call me Ai," Ahma smiles softly at him.

Megumi looks away huffing this time.

"Can you use that nickname too?" asks a sparky eyed Nobara.

"Of course," Ahma giggles.

"Ai, you never train with us," Nobara points.

"You want me to train with you all?" Ahma asks surprised.

"Why not? I am really strong. I will defeat you," Yuji grins.

Ahma pulls his cheeks affectionately. He is absolutely adorable.

"I am sorry to burst your bubbles but even if everyone in this Jujutsu High charges at me, I won't break a sweat and win," Ahma says confidently.

Yuji and Nobara's mouth hung open at her open declaration. She is so confident.

"Ryu sama is the strongest Divine power holder to be born in our clan," Ren exclaims proudly.

"What's a divine power holder? Isn't that the same of sorcerers?" Yuji asks confused.

"Absolutely not. We are nothing like sorcerers. While you sorcerers use cursed energy which comes to you by your unsettling emotions, our power is in our blood from the beginning of this world. We are the descents of The Emperor Ryujin himself," Airi explains.

"Woah," Yuji and Nobara were surprised.

Megumi lived with them for years. He is well aware of this facts. He doesn't appear surprised at all.

"Then where does your power come from?" Nobara asks.

"Our devotion and the purity of our clan. A calm mind is the strongest of all. From the age of 6, we must go under a training that enables us to think beyond our emotions. Suppressing our emotions and working with only mind not heart. It's basically a training to disclose our spirit and free it," Ren exclaims.

Yuji and Nobara looks at them confused. They didn't understand one bit.

"The trainings are harsh. I was taken to Ryu clan when I was only 6. You were three years older than me. I had seen you sitting inside a circle of fire and meditating," Megumi points.

Yuji and Nobara widens their eyes in surprise.

"It was basic trainings. Later they were upgraded," Ahma says.

"Damn, that's harsh," Nobara mutters.

"So, you are powerful than the jujutsu sorcerers," Yuji points.

"Of course we are," Airi speaks proudly.

"Airi, Ren," Ahma warns.

"We were just telling the truth," Airi pouts.


Ahma jumps surprised as she returns to her chamber at night. It was dark inside and Gojo was sitting on her bed quietly.

"You scared me. You know you should follow some rules if you come to a woman's chamber, right? What would people think?" Ahma scolds him.

"That's why I transported and was waiting in the dark. I went through your cabinet of perfumes. Must say I liked most is the Water Lily one. It has such a refreshing fragnance. Mind if I borrow it sometimes?" Gojo smiles enthusiastically.

Ahma facepalms. She goes near the bed and stands Infront of him. Gojo stares at her curiously as what she will do. Without any warning she Karate chops his head.

" could you hit me? I am your teacher," Gojo rubs his head.

"What are you going to do? Complain to the principal? Go ahead. I might add why I hit you as well," Ahma smirks.


Gojo looks at her baffled. Not a lot of person has managed to force him in a corner. Until now noone other than Geto was able to do this.

"Why are you here?" Ahma asks sitting on the chair.

"I am being send to a mission oversees. As per my information, the higher ups will try to execute Yuji when I am not here," Gojo's expression turns serious.

"They won't succeed. I promise you that," Ahma assures.

"I will trust in you on this," Gojo says.

"Rest assured," Ahma smiles back.

"You are very down to earth when it comes to traditions, aren't you?" Gojo asks.

"Me? I am very fond of our tradition indeed," Ahma says.

Gojo sighs. She is totally opposite of him. From the first day, he knew she is someone who's whole life went by following rules. She is indeed very fond of her culture Gojo could tell. She dresses elegantly and modestly. A complete opposite to teenagers this days. Her words are calculated carefully and she doesn't speak with him unless completely necessary.

"Is that all?" Ahma asks.

Gojo stands up. Why does she pull him towards her like a magnet? Why does he have a familiar feelings with her? As if he knows her from a long time?

"By the way, will you cook again sometimes?" Gojo asks.

Ahma smiles, "If you want, I will cook sometimes."

Gojo's heart thumped in it's place. This damn organ. She has dimples on her cheeks. How adorable!

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