Chapter 11 : Lovers

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Ahma walks inside the basement of Jujutsu Tokyo High. There were so many wooden doors separating the higher ups and Ahma as she stands in the middle.

The higher ups were equally surprised as she walks in. Indeed, the Ryujin Clan has the most beautiful of women in their bloodline. Ahma is barely 17 but can easily take the breath away for people just by entering the room. In that white and peach dress, she looks like a doll.

She bows a little, "I am honored to be standing in front of you all

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She bows a little, "I am honored to be standing in front of you all."

"Are you Ahma Ryujin? The heir of Ryujin Clan?" one asks.

"I am," she answers.

"Well, the rumors were true indeed. You are an exceptional beauty to hold," another says.

"Ryu San, let's come to business first. What is your motive of being here?"

"One who holds the divine powers, have no interest in learning cursed technics. Then why are you here?"

"What's your reason to be here, Ahma Ryujin?"

Ahma was preparing to answer when the door opens again revealing Gojo Satoru.

"You weren't summoned here," one of the elders says I'm a grim voice.

"I look like I care? I am here for my lover," he says casually.

Noone spoke for some moments after that. Gojo comes in the middle and holds her by her shoulders, "Did you wait too long, love?"

Ahma almost scowled at his face but then regains her posture, "N...No...I just arrived..."

"I came to get you because we are supposed to be at home today. Will you bake those Oreo cookies for me again?" Satoru asks her.

Ahma had to give it to him. He sounds exactly how a lover would be. Demanding from his significant one.

"No. I will as soon as we leave," Ahma forces a smile on her face.

Gojo grins excitedly like a child, " Can't wait."

He turns to the elders then, "Are you all done? I want her with me."

"What is the meaning of this?" one screams.

"You have a lover? One who uses divine power?"

"This can't be true. She is your student and only turned 17. What were you thinking?"

Gojo's grips tightens on her shoulder, "I look like I care? And from when did I need your approvals in my life? And about her being my student? I do as I please. I wanted her near me that's why I ask her to be here."

Ahma almost faints. This scenario is so different than her clan. In her clan, elders are always so soft spoken to the youngers and youngers are very respectful towards them. And Gojo Satoru is intentionally picking up fights with them with no care in the world.

The elders were silent. Maybe other times they would have vented more, but they were too shocked at the revelation.

"My lover will not come or meet anyone except my permission first. Never ever summon her as an ordinary person. She isn't yours to do so," Gojo glares at them.

"Let's go now," he turns around holding her by her shoulders.

Ahma sighs as she exists. How on the earth she is going to explain this to her clan she has no idea.

"Gojo sensei," Ahma says as they walked at the main entrance.

"Hmm?" Gojo looks at her.

"You can let go of me now? We are far away," Ahma says.

In this 20 minutes walk, he was holding her tightly by her shoulder.

"Oh! Sorry about that," Gojo let's her go.

"Gojo San, I shall stay here for some time. Megumi and Nobara are so wounded. I will come to visit Yuji in a few days," Ahma says.

Gojo grins, "Don't forget the cookies. It's my payback you know."

Ahma smiles as well, "I won't. Good bye."

Gojo gets in the car, "Oh Ahma, please don't tell anyone about this. You know even the walls have ears."

"Noone?" Ahma was confused.

"Yes, that's includes Megumi, Yuji, Nobara and everyone. I am aware your clan will definitely summon you in this. But please not to them as well."

Ahma was shocked, "Gojo sensei..."

"And quit the sensei. Call me Satoru," he says.

Ahma gulps, "Satoru then... you are telling me to hide the reason from my clan as well. How can I?"

Satoru turns serious, "I am also risking my everything. Why can't you do the same?"

Ahma was taken aback. What the hell? She can't even explain the situation to her clan? Then Yuji's dead body, Megumi and Nobara badly wounded comes to her mind.

"Don't worry. We said we are just lovers. There's nothing more. After our mission ends we will tell them that we fall out of love," Satoru says.

Ahma nods, "O..Okay then...only two of us...noone else."

Satoru smiles and pulls her head towards him from the window. He places kisses on her cheeks. Ahma blushes deep red as she sequels.

"Satoru....what the..."

"If we want to make this look real, get used of me showering you with love and affection and try to return this as well," he grins mischievously.

Ahma was about to rub her cheeks but stops. She forces a painful smile and waves him goodbye as he drives away.

While driving, Ichiji shivers as he sees Gojo smiling. There was something in that smile that's making his skin crawl.

"Ichiji, do I scare you?" Gojo asks noticing his look at him.

"N..NNOO... Absolutely n...not..." Ichiji's voice trembles.

Gojo let's out a manly chuckle.

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