Chapter 07 : The Black Cat

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"Oi Fushiguro," Nobara waves her hand.

Yuji, Nobara and Megumi has planned a date night out. Only the three of them. After the movie they will have dinner out too. Megumi came back after ordering.

"Man, the movie was so good," Yuji exclaims.

Nibara clicks her tongue, "Only men will find that movie entertaining. It was so lame."

"Huh! You had goosebumps watching it too," Yuji points.

"Because it creeped the shit out of me. That man was anything but romantic," Nobara shivers again.

They basically wanted to watch another horror movie. Unfortunately for them the tickets were sold out and only one movie was available. They decided not to ruin the night and try something new.

The movie is about a girl whose father dies and leaves the girl homeless and broken. The girl studies hard and struggles each day to stand on her own feet. What she didn't know that she was watched all the time even in her own house. A stalker had installed cameras all around her house. The stalker talked to her in a different voice via phone. The girl was originally scared. Soon she meets a senior of hers with whom she falls in love with. The senior was an amazing guy at first. All caring, gentle, supporting. Soon he began to show his real side. He began to distance her from everyone. He manupulated her, constantly played the victim card. Later at the plot twist it was reveled that the man was the stalker and he killed her father before. The girl not knowing it married the man in future and had children with him.

"The actor played it well," Megumi comments.

"He totally brought out the psychopath of his character," Yuji says.

"You know he reminds me of someone," Nobara says.

"Who?" Yuji asks confused.

"Gojo Sensei," Nobara says sipping her drink.

"Huh!" Both Megumi and Yuji exclaims.

"It's just female gossip. Gojo Sensei despite his trash personality is an eye candy. Female swarm around him like bees. We once discussed what it would his love life be? You two sure he is the married or has a girlfriend?" Nobara turns to the boys.

"Gojo Sensei stays away from girls as long as I have seen him. There isn't one single rumor about him with any girls," Megumi says.

"You think Sensei is into men?" Yuji asks innocently.

Megumi and Nobara makes a disgusted face.

"Sensei isn't involved with any girl. Why did you say he is like the actor?" Megumi asks.

"Well, it's a female instinct," Nobara says proudly, "I can bet that Sensei will turn as dark and possessive for his lover if he has one someday. We all know he has managed to piss off every important person in Jujutsu world. His potential lover will always be in grave danger. And if Sensei loves her, he would always be hell worried for her."

"Kinda make sense, you know. I also wish sensei to enjoy his life. He always takes care of us," Yuji says softly.

"Girl may fall for his face but as soon as he will open his mouth, any chance for him to have a girl will fly away," Nobara points.

"Absolutely right," Megumi and Yuji says in unison.

"Hey Fushiguro, your sister is always with Sensei though. And sensei is different with her," Nobara smirks.

"Huh! Where is Ai coming from?" Megumi asks surprised.

"I noticed that too. They are always discussing and Sensei is different around her. I once found him fixing his hair before going to talk to her," Yuji says.

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