Yearnings (Ch-9)

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Author's Pov:

Savitri devi didn't seem happy with Dakshika's new attitude. But somewhere in her mind she was proud of the fact that her attitude had become like that of a Royal.

Dakshika saw Dhairya and Meera and turned to leave. Swarna who was there, witnessed all of this. When she saw, that Savitri devi was still not over it. She went beside her.

"Ma, you also know that it was your fault this time. What was the need to go to her and say all those words, when you, and even all of us know that it is not the truth." She said trying to calm her.

Savitri devi took a deep breath and nodded her head moving towards her room, saying that she needs rest.

Dakshika's Pov:

I was about to move towards my car, when Dhairya bhai stopped me. "We are going in my car."

"You know, I want to drive." I requested. "But you can't, you actually fly." He said and I huffed. He can't be serious right now. I am not even that fast. Ok maybe, a little bit.

"I do fly but, not with my car." Saying this I sat in his Phantom. I was in the back, he would be driving and beside him was Meera.

I messaged Aajhiya, that I'll be meeting them today. She replied with an 'Okay, I'll inform them.' I turned my head and started noticing the city. Jodhpur has changed for the good.

We first stopped at a Shopping Complex. To my dismay, the name itself reminded me that it was owned by Shekhawats. We three went in and bhai asked us," So what's first on the list?"

"Ask Meera, I am leaving to take a few things that I want. You can go with her." He stared at me for a seconds and then left with Meera who told him that she wanted to buy a few things to decorate her room and so on.

I moved towards the 'Soft Toy' store  and started going through them. After about an hour I signalled the sales girl. " Yes mam, how can I help you?"

"Pack the whole teddy section and the rest things are in this." Saying so I looked towards her. Her eyes grew big for a second going back to normal. She immediately nodded.

"Sure mam, but it would take a little time, would you like to have something till then?" She asked sweetly, feeling awkward because of my cold aura.

Just then a man enetered the shop, dressed in a black shirt and pants. The small logo on his shirt made me notice that he was sent for me.

My phone pinged, 'Hope you saw the man.' 'Yes.' I replied. He came to me and bowed.

I turned towards the girl, "No, all you need to do is pack the stuff, and give it to him, and yes please bring a medium sized teddy bear for me in peach and orange color."

"Sure mam." After sometime she returned with three teddies. "Which one of these mam?" "These two. Thanks, I'll come after some time and take it." Saying this I moved out of the store.

I entered a jewellery store. I picked a platinum bracelet with small diamond studded in it on the circumference and a small sapphire in the middle.

After taking it, I went out the store, and dialed bhai's number. He picked up the call in one ring "Yes?" "How much time will you guys take?" I asked.

" We are just done. Meet at the food corner. Ok?" Said Meera this time."Ok." I said cutting the call, and moving towards the second floor at the food corner.

On my way, I picked the teddy bear from the store. Some time later, I saw both of them coming holding a few bags, with two guards behind them.

They took the seat in front of me. "Didn't you buy anything except this? " Bhai asked pointing the bag on the table and the teddy beside me. "I did." "Then where is it?" He queried. "It's already delivered to the right place by my men."

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