The Haveli (Ch-13)

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Dakshika's Pov:

Life changes, in fact changes are the only constant in life. Also the changes you want may happen but not in the way you planned.

I am currently driving towards Nana's village. It's at a distance of around 7 hours from Jaisalmer. I will be driving till midnight. He wanted me to leave next morning but I somehow convinced him.

The roads were empty by now as it was around 10 pm. I have been driving for 3 hours now.

I have been to his village many a times, but that was when I was young. The last I visited there was when I was 17. Many people there might be remembering me, but I don't know if they'll recognize me or not.

Though a few people are educated there, but still majority of people there are either illiterate or if literate they are very Orthodox.

And the region near it is even more dangerous. They follow certain traditions and they are hell bent to make it work.

"Uff" I muttered.

Anyways I turned on th fm and, 'Preet'
By Jasleen Royal started playing in the background. My mind drifted back to the fact that this was my exact condition.

"Jo main jaanti, ki preet kare dukh hoye, to nagar dhindhora peet ti kehti preet na kariyo koi."

Anyways, after 7 hours of driving at midnight, I reached the village, Raunakpur.

It was midnight and so there was no noise only the sound of insects and the distant barking of dogs.

I slowly drove through the uneven roads somehow, making it to my grandfather's haveli.

The heavy doors were closed with a lock. One of the keys was with me right now, the other was with the old caretaker who might have left for his house around 8 or 9 pm.

Well I don't need to worry about cleanliness. He is appointed to look after that.

I opened the heavy metal gates and then parked my car one side. The haveli was too big for a lone person.

I carried my luggage inside and switched on the lights. The hallway lit up and I could see the walls with intricate designs on them and the large portraits of my maternal grandfather's ancestors.

He informed me that years back his ancestors used to be the nobles and religious advisers of the Royal Families.

But later on his great grandfather started a buisness and moved out to Jaisalmer. There on the buisness kept expanding and now my maternal uncle's son, Kiaan Vyaas carries on the legacy.

I moved towards the corner most room, which had the view of the garden, and also the street was visible from the large wooden window which had clean curtains hanging on the side, incase if you want privacy.

I kept my luggage and moved back switching off all unnecessary lights, just one old electric lamp was left on.

I moved back to my room and took a shower. Nana has made certain changes here. Such as, the garden now contains a fair share of flowers as well as trees with fruits.

The rooms have personal washrooms now and each of the three wings have a personal kitchen.

After coming out of the shower I laid down on the bed and somehow I slowly drifted to sleep.

After around two to three hours I was woken up by noises outside my room. I sat up and all of sudden it clicked my mind.


I threw my blanket aside, running out of the room in a hurry. As expected when I opened the door, this wasn't the atmosphere someone would like to see early in the morning.

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