The Real Will (ch-12)

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Author's Pov:

"I am not here because you called me, but because I was ordered to come here by Her Royal Highness." He said to Kamini and then bowed in front of Dakshika.

Dakshika nodded and moved towards on of the two raised single sofa seats I the middle.

Everybody looked at Kailash Shekhawat but he quietly moved towards the other such sofa and took a seat.

"Feel free to take your seats, this matter is going to take a little long." Said Dakshika, her voice held authority.

"Mr. Sharma you are the Royal legal adviser. Before this your father was and your grandfather was the most trusted friend of my grandfather's father. Till now the whole will is not seen by anyone except your family. Right?" Asked Dakshika.

"Yes your Royal Highness, you are right, the original will is with my family only and this fact was hidden by all except Mr. Kailash Shekhawat. My family has been protecting the will till now." Said Mr. Sharma.

"And you might already know that how many rumors about the will are spread eeverywhere including the Royal family itself. So today I would like you to put forward a few very important facts of the will." Dakshika's voice echoed.

"Sure, Your Royal Highness." He said. A chair was put in the middle and he took the seat.

"So today I would like to share those points of the will which are important to know now."

"Mr. Maanveer Shekhawat, aka Her Royal Highness's great grandfather decided at his time that the half of his property would be handed over to the first born daughter of this generation.

He added that if they want they can also adopt a daughter or else the property will be handed over to his younger grandson's family, whom he thought were demons for the state.

And when Dakshika Singh Shekhawat was adopted by Vikram Singh Shekhawat under certain circumstances then automatically according to the will, half of the property was transferred to her.

But there is something more to this. Raja sa mentioned in his will that the first born daughter will not only have 60 percent of the whole buisness but she will also be the rightful descendant of the thrown. In case if she wishes not to be, then it would be her husband later on."

As Mr. Sharma gave this statement, everybody in the Hall except Dakshika was shocked. Even Kailash Shekhawat himself didn't expect this.

"Do you even know what are you saying? " Yelled Kamini. "How can it be 60 percent and also she was just required to handover the thrown to someone from the family not be the ruler herself."

"Mrs.Kamini you can not shout at me. And for your kind information I am telling you the truth. What you are saying is just a rumor spread for the safety of Her Royal Highness." Mr. Sharma said calmly.

"I don't want any disturbance now. He is here to clear the rumors and tell the truth, so just shut up and listen." Dakshika said, her voice containing rage.

"According to the will the property will be handed over to Her Royal Highness at the age of 24,while the thrown would be given to her at the age of 25."

"Incase if something happens to her before this then 50 percent of the property would be given to a trust, and 10 percent to the state welfare. The thrown would be handed over one of the three people that Her Royal Highness already suggested legally."

"If something happens to her after her coronation, then in that case, the property would be handed over to her husband." Mr. Sharma said.

"And what if she isn't married? " Asked Rudra.

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