Chapter 44

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"Good morning Sebastian."

I greet him as soon as I enter into the kitchen.

"Good morning." He smiles at me.

I make myself a bowl of granola with yogurt and sit down to eat it. A short while later, Anthony comes in a forest green suit with a black shirt underneath.

His hair is still wet and curls behind his ears. It makes him look adorable. He catches my gaze and gives me the faintest of smiles. Even though it's small, his eyes glimmer and I just want to bite him.

"Dad, you seem happy. Anything special happening?"

"Today's the day I acquire Daymond Diamonds. I'm still thinking about whether I should incorporate it into Crosswalk Industries or just let it be the way it is, putting some of my employees there and taking some of theirs. Either way, they'll need to have a temporary CEO."

"I could do it."

"I'll let the other members know. They'll have to take a vote on it."

Sebastian shrugs. "That's fine with me."

The rest of our breakfast goes in silence and Anthony is the first to leave. I soon follow as well. Clara invited me to her wedding, but I told her I wouldn't be able to make it. That's about four days from now and my team's been decorating the venue for forty five days. She wanted an elaborate wedding and that's what she'll receive from us.

I get into my car and drive to my boutique. As soon as I park my car, I know something is wrong. Harper isn't here yet, but the door is slightly ajar. I hold my taser in one hand and slightly push the door open with the other. My heart drops as I take in the destruction. Shock, anger, and sorrow fill me at once. I'm so emotional that I don't see the person who jumps on me with a snarl.

"You fucking whore!" She screams as I fall to the ground and she lands atop me.

The broken glass on the floor digs into my back, making me howl in pain. I see her pathetic attempt of a punch coming my way and I grab her wrist centimeters from my face. She keeps throwing her fists and I keep blocking them. I'm busy trying to get her off me that I don't see the shard of a broken vase in her hand that she slashes against my cheek. When she goes for my neck, I'm prepared to bend her wrist, but her arm stays suspended in the air.

"That's enough."

I see the crazy bitch's face pale as Sebastian's face comes into view. Harper comes running toward me.

"Oh my god Charlotte!"

Sebastian drags Della off me while Harper talks to the police on her phone. I gingerly start getting up even though my back hurts like hell and my cheek feels like it's on fire.

Not even a minute later, Anthony comes through the door, his hair in every which direction and he takes me in with wide, scared eyes.


As soon as I'm about to enter the meeting room, my phone beeps. I immediately take it out and open Charlotte's camera feed. All of them are static except one. The whole place is trashed. I immediately get into the elevator and watch through the feed as Charlotte cautiously enters. Bertha calls out my name, but I ignore her.

The elevator can't go slower as my panic builds because Della jumps on Charlotte. My fury builds when I see Charlotte yell in pain as her back hits the floor. I keep hitting the ground floor button, but it obviously doesn't make the elevator go faster. When the doors open, I run to my car. I don't look at the feed anymore because I know I'll crash into something if I do. I make it to her boutique in record time and pause as I take in the scene before me.

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