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You're Warm
Chapter 8: Regret

Everything was now under control, but he couldn't stop himself from balling his hands into tight fists as he stood there on the sidelines watching Sakura worriedly check up on the blonde who kept on reassuring the crimson that she was fine. He hated her fake smiles, her generosity and everything – He hated the fact that he's now going to see her almost every day of the week.

She shouldn't have gone to a school that was solely based on fighting and using magic. She was weak for all he cares, and every time he fought, he had to almost glance over to her direction to see what her reaction was.

He hated the fact that she wasn't watching his awesome moves. She only cared about Sakura – Well, it was self-explanatory – Obviously she wouldn't watch him since he was the one that had embarrassed her within the first day of her enrolment here.

Another fact; he hated her cluelessness. The fact that the Dragon Slayers had sensed intruders on their territory made his senses go wild as he secretly discussed it with Sakura who was also on alert while standing on the field.
If she got hurt, it would all be her fault – It had to be...

So why did watching the blonde struggle in the water hold pained his heart?
He didn't want to know the answer. Actually, for once, he actually did know the reason to why he was suffering while she was in pain.

Sakura told him his answer when they were younger. He told her all of his troubles since she had found her mate. She told him everything, and she listened to his worries, always telling him that everything would be fine once he has chosen to accept these things.

But he refused to give up everything. He didn't to bring Lucy into all of these issues, but look where she is now? After everything he's done to keep away these things, she's now standing there and within danger's grasps. He didn't want to see her cry, but now, having to stand there and listen to her hushed sobs made him even angrier.

In frustration, Natsu walked over to Lucy and Sakura and glared at the blonde who quickly looked away in an attempt to hide her tear-stricken face. Lucy obviously not wanting to show him her vulnerable side, what she heard from him made her heart shatter even more...

"You're so fucking weak. Why are you even here when you're summoning others to do the fighting for you? This school is for the strong, not for the weak," he questioned, ignoring Sakura's gasps where he was thrown into the air by her once anger settled into her system.

Lucy snapping her head up to look at him, she widened her eyes when she saw his heated glare and slowly took a step back. Shaking her head, she forced herself to question him. "What have I done to make you hate me so much?" she whispered before turning her body to run away where she didn't stop to Sakura's call.

She hated to act weak, but that's who she was. She couldn't change herself even she wanted to do so. Never once had she hated her mother's magic until this very moment – And never before, had she felt this useless in her life.

As she continued on running, Sakura furiously slammed him down into the ground in sheer force. "Why are you being so fucking stupid?!" she cried out as she balled her hands into tight fists. "No one is weak once they gain the abilities to use magic! Tell me Natsu, why are you being so cruel to people like her?!" she questioned before her shoulders slumped down in defeat.

"Why did you take away all of her happiness? Is this because of Lisanna?" she whispered before dropping down to her knees where her kimono sleeves fluttered down to the ground. Tears making its way down to her cheeks, she forced herself to remain positive. "Please..." she pleaded as she looked at Natsu's eyes in defeat.

   "Don't make her experience what we're going through... She's not like us Natsu, and I can't stand it when you're hurting yourself even more."

Slowly pulling herself up, she turned her back to him. "You do know that I won't be able to protect hers once this month passes. There's only roughly four weeks left till I leave for the tournament with Takuto, and knowing how much influence you have over the school, she'll be even more conflicted than before until you make up," she  said before walking away, her clothes changing back into her casual wear where Natsu pulled himself up to run his fingers through his hair.

She didn't need to tell him all of this - Of course he knew that his actions are making her cry even more than before. The only reason why he had to do this was because he wasn't the same as he was before...

So in frustration, he slammed his fist down into the ground and gritted his teeth. He had to forget about her before she found out.


Sorry for the short update and the long revival of You're Warm. I think I have a solid plan about how this book is going to work out, so I thank you all for being supportive enough to wait this long!
- CelestialSakuraa

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