Night Problem

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You're Warm

Chapter 21: Night Problem

Sting and Rogue were both at a loss of words as they stared at Lucy who was staring back at them blankly. Their minds unable to process what just had happened, they slowly stood up where Rogue's phone began to ring through the deathly silence.

"Hello?" Rogue answered, still staring at Lucy who was watching them with observing eyes. Hearing Sakura's voice, he sighed in relief before turning to face his back to Lucy, knowing that Sting would have his back.

"Is everything fine over there?" Sakura's voice asked where he glanced down to his clothes before looking straight down the hallway.

Not knowing what to say other than to report the crimson on what just happened, he glanced over his shoulder before looking at his partner. "Uhm... Lucy just lashed out. There was this monster that tried to kill us," he stated, feeling slightly nervous since the monster that was under Lucy's control was strong enough to knock them down.

Sakura didn't say anything for a moment. She was sitting outside on the balcony where the wind brushed passed her. Her mind blank as she repeated Rogue's reply over and over again, she slowly opened her mouth where she stood up to gaze up to the moon.
"Was it you two that were in pain? Was it you two that I was sensing?"

He stood there still and turned to look at Lucy who somewhat went back to sleep. Glancing over to Sting who was scowling with his hands balled into tight fists, he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Possibly? We're not too sure but somehow, we're sensing a lot of magic coming from Lucy... Her power is seeping out of her body, almost like yours when you're enraged but slightly weaker," he responded, listening to Sakura's sigh before the sounds of clothes rustling.

"Do you know her magic increased?" This time is was a man's voice. Takuto was there with Sakura...

Rogue nudged Sting which made the boy snap his head to look at him in question. "Do you know Lucy's presence got even stronger?" he asked.

Sting shook his head to which Rogue sighed out loud tiredly. "We both don't know what happened while we weren't there. It just suddenly happened when we came to see how she was going in the hospital. It looked too abnormal to be a spirit that she would be contracted to..." he answered.

The crimson on the line glanced at Takuto in confusion. How could Lucy become powerful in magic when she's in the hospital resting?

"I'm not too sure... Whatever happens, please protect her from anything. If this thing does appear again, please try to send us some photos so we can analyse it..." Sakura said in which Rogue nodded to.

No matter what the situation may be, perhaps Sakura and Takuto may find a reason to it since they're more exposed to different types of magic than them.

Muttering a farewell and a good luck to them both, Rogue ended the call where he turned his attention back to the blonde who was peacefully sleeping in her room as if nothing just happened.

The Shadow Dragon Slayer unable to think up of an explanation to how Lucy knew the beast, his other question that he would like answered was why she would command that thing to kill them even though they're acquaintances...

"That girl is crazy..." Sting muttered as he scratched his head. Looking at Rogue he raised a brow before elbowing him where he looked at him in question.

"Sakura doesn't know what just happened, am I right?"

Rogue nodded his head before looking down to the floor in thought. "She's far too weak to build up that much power after collapsing like that at school... Just what happened while we're away?" he whispered where Sting rolled his eyes before shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm not too sure but she's asleep now. We should call the docs to check her up before we leave her alone," Sting said.

They had no other choice but to leave it to the doctors that Sakura trusts in. Turning to face their backs to the blonde who was sleeping, they began to walk away where only their footsteps echoed through the nightly silence of the hospital hallways.

Once they were gone though, the sleeping blonde snapped her eyes opened and smiled. Slowly sitting up, she turned her head and grinned deviously once she sensed no one moving around her.

Since I feel nice to provide you all a new chapter for the week, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter.

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