Failed Capture

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Izuku Pov

What a bright sunny day, As I am going around town i still feel a bit uncomfortable though with how people call me like I am some kind of God

Rigurd: " Ah Izuku-sama glad to see you today, what can I help you with?"

Izuku: " Ah Rigurd-san nothing I am just walking around"

Rigurd: " ah then tell me if you need anything Izuku-sama I Rigurd will help you with anything" as I see him bow and left

Izuku: " Oh ok I-i'll surely call you Rigurd-san thanks" as I continued my walk I already notice some Human following everywhere I go

Izuku: 'Why do they keep following me' I then teleport to somewhere far away from that part of the town

3rd Person Pov

As Izuku Vanish the Humans following him gathered to themselves

???#1: " We have to find him since their are four of us you will go continue this path, me and the others will go to each side of the town" the other three nodded and they disappear

Meanwhile on one of the rooftop Soei and his subordinates were their watching it all

Soei: " Follow them all" the others nodded and akso disappear

Souka: " Soei-sama why don't we report this to Rimuru-sama"

Soei: " Rimuru-sama already knows of what is happening and Izuku-sama said he wanted to specifically take care of them on his own without Rimuru-sama's help"

Souka: " Ah then why does Izuku-sama avoids them why not kill them when he had a chance their"

Soei: " Their are Civillians here Souka Izuku-sama does not want to get any Civillians hurt in the process" as Souka then nods and both of them disappear

Meanwhile with Izuku

Izuku: " Ah how much is this?" As Izuku after teleporting away found a nice jewelry store and decide to buy a gift for His two Fiancee and her mother

Store clerk: " Ah you don't need to pay anymore Izuku-sama it's on the house"

Izuku: " No no, please let me pay this" as Izuku

Store clerk: " Ah well if Izuku-sama say then i will give it away in a discount of 100% how about it"

Izuku: 'Oii thats just basically giving it for free!!' " No need for discount" as Izuku kept convincing the clerk to pay while the latter wants to give it away for free


10 Minutes later Izuku got out of the store with the Jewelries that he paid when he finally convince the clerk.

As Izuku walks out he then puts the Jewelry he bought int his imaginary space and bega walking outside of the town while the leader of the mask group followed him. After a few minutes of walking into he forest Izuku finally stopped

???: 'Why did he suddenly stop? And the others I can't contact them somehow'

???: " I should leave and find the others" being aware of how much of a disadvantage it would b to try and capturing Izuku himself tries to leave

Izuku: " You know it's bad manners when you wake out just like that" as Izuku whom suddenly appeared on his side pressing his right hand on the guy's shoulder

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