I Like The Real You Better ~ Clay

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Pairing: Clay X Shy Fem Reader

Requested By: JaydeDog

Y/N: Your Name
T/T: Troll Type
Y/V: Your Village

"Morning (Y/N)." A voice says happily as you see Poppy and Branch walking over as you are by a building planting some flowers in a garden.

"Good morning Queen Poppy, Branch. What's up?" You ask as you stand up.

"Not much. But we did want to talk to you." Branch says.

"Sure. What's on your mind?" You ask curiously.

"Well you know how we've been trying to introduce you to Branch's brothers right?" Poppy asks.

"Yeah. What about it?" You ask nervously.

"Well we've been noticing that the only one of my siblings you haven't met is Clay. In fact it kinda seems like you are dodging us every time you know we are trying to get you around him." Branch says as you blush nervously.

"Or you dodge him everytime he gets around you." Poppy says.

"I uh have no idea what you're talking about." You say nervously as you look away.

"(Y/N) if you're nervous it's okay." Poppy says as she smiles reassuringly.

"Yeah. Clay doesn't bite. I know he can be a bit intimidating but he's actually a really good guy. You'd like him." Branch says.

"Yeah. You like the rest of Brozone and they think you're great." Poppy says.

"I know they do." You say as you sigh.

"Then why do you keep dodging Clay?" Branch asks curiously.

"I am not dodging him." You say annoyedly.

"Hey Poppy, Branch!" A voice shouts as you realize it is Clay approaching from behind.

"Eep!" You say in alarm as you hear Clay's voice and immediately run into a nearby building and hide as you watch Clay speak with Poppy and Branch from the window before he leaves and Branch and Poppy come inside and look at you in disbelief.

"Not dodging huh?" Poppy asks as she crosses her arms.

"I'm sorry. I.. I'm just not ready to meet him okay." You say nervously.

"(Y/N) if you tell us what's going on we can help. We promise it won't be that bad." Poppy says.

"Look I'll meet him on my own when I'm ready. Please just respect that." You say before Poppy and Branch shake their heads.

"Alright (Y/N). But you can't hide from him forever you know." Branch says.

"I know..." You say as Branch and Poppy leave.


"Oh why can't I just tell him? Why do I have to like him this much? He barely even knows me. If at all... Oh well." You say as you're standing out by a field.

"Oof!" You say as you feel someone knock into you and look to see Clay as you give an alarmed look.

"Sorry I wasn't watching where I was- Oh hey! You're that girl (Y/N) that Branch and Poppy told me about. You're a (T/T) troll right from (Y/V)?" Clay asks as he smiles at you.

"Yeah..." You say nervously.

"Nice to finally get to meet you. I'm Clay and part of the band Brozone. But I'm sure Branch has already told you this stuff. Thought I'd never get the chance to meet you." Clay says kindly.

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