Who They're Jealous Of

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He gets jealous of Floyd because you two grew close and bonded a lot since he was freed and you like his sensitive nature.


He gets jealous of Spruce because he is always teaching you how to cook things with his wife Brandy. Clay wants to be the one to impress you with good food even though his food doesn't always turn out the way he wants.


He gets jealous of Branch because he teaches you a lot of his survival techniques and is always showing you how to build things. This sometimes makes him feels that you prefer his little brother's company over his. But he would never admit it to avoid any senseless fighting as he knows you and Branch are only friends and nothing else.

John Dory

He gets jealous of King Trollex because you two have been close for a long time and sometimes you two show a lot of affection to each other which John Dory does not care for as he knows Trollex has a secret crush on you though he choose to not act on it to avoid ruining your friendship but this does not help with John Dory being jealous of the attention you give to Trollex sometimes.


He gets jealous of Clay because you two often read together due to being in Clay's book club and often have inside jokes that you laugh about because of the books you read together. He knows you enjoy reading which is why he tries to not let his jealousy show since he does not like books that much himself and likes that you have someone to bond with books over but he does not like feeling left out of the jokes and sometimes wishes you two more things that you can bond over like you do with Clay.

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