I walked up a couple of flights of stairs and was now on the top floor, the 2 guys behind me said this was the room I would be in from now on. I looked at it, a well-lighted room with a rug, lamp,p and bed all matched the color orange. There were 3 big windows but the only thing I could see out of them were clouds and a constant pink sky. There were also 2 desks on each side of the bed both placed against the wall accordingly. I looked across both the hallways and didn't see any bathrooms. "Um, where are... The bathrooms then? " I asked embarrassed. "They're on the bottom floor. " one of the guys spoke sternly. I was looking around the room just examining it, the wall with a door to enter and exit was glass. "Geez do we get any privacy in this place, " I thought to myself.
"One last thing before I go, " I jumped a little at the sudden voice, I didn't know there was an intercom. "Bathrooms downstairsairs both boys and girls, you will be in your rooms at night unless you must go and if you do a guard will escort you and wait outside the bathroom. You will also get a keycard your bedroom door is to be locked each time you go in or out and one 1 person per room. The games will start tomorrow, be ready. " the voice spoke. "Be ready? " I restated "What the hell did he mean by that?"
The guards gave me a keycard and pushed me into the room rather harshly, TheI I locked the door it was a stupid rule but I made sure I wasn't going to get in trouble. I tried to lay down on the bed and get some rest, but even though it was pretty dark there was still a faint light added to the fact that there were 2 guys with guns standing outside of your door every second. After about 30 minutes of trying to sleep, I shifted my body up and walked over to the door, unlocked it with the keycard, then locked it again. "Hey, " I said to one of the guards, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. " I didn't think he'd follow me but he did.
I walked down the same flight of stairs and then looked left to right for a restroom. "Come on I'll ill show you the way, " the guard said to me bumping his shoulder against mine. "Why are these people so rude?" "Didn't they sign up for this or something, I didn't do anything wrong, did I? " I asked myself. After some time of following the sketchy man he stopped and I almost bumped into him. "Here," he said stone cold. "Um. Thanks, " I said trying to sound genuine.
I walked into the bathroom it was just whites greys and blacks like most of the buildings beside the bedrooms. I didn't need to go I just couldn't sleep, so I walked to the mirror and rested my palms by sinkinks. I stared at myself. I had short, light brown hair, and bright blue eyes, my skin was pretty tan and I had some muscle. I kept staring at myself "I’m so exhausted why am I not tired? " I sighed in defeat. I ran my hands under warm water then splashed it on my face and dried it with a towel. "Just try to go to sleep, "I whispered to myself, then walked out. There was a wavy black-haired girl with green eyes and dark skin walking down the stairs and she walked over to me or actually the bathrooms but I was still there.
"Hey, " I said, and she stopped. "can’t sleep either? " the girl said. "Yeah I’m just wondering what he meant by 'be
ready', " I said a little worried. I hated to admit it but this place freaked me out, a lot. "Same i tried to get sleep but can’t really do that much resting right now.. " she muttered. I nodded and started to walk away but then stopped. "Hey wait, before I what's your name? " I asked "Mia, " she said before walking into the white-lighted restroom. minutes passed of me walking back up the stairs and into my room, making sure I locked the door. I laid back down again and tried to shut my eyes. I thought about the first and second elevators, and if I could remember anything, but I also thought about that girl Mia. I wondered how many girls and boys there were. I didn't count but it looked to be about 10 people maybe. I was guessing that the genders were half and half five girls and 5 boys but I wasn't 100% sure. I thought about how I got here and what if my family was missing me. Or if I even had a family, before my breath slowed, my eyes shut, and I fell asleep.
I was walking around the hallways. "Is there even a way to get out?" I thought. I made it to the bottom floor and heard the intercom trying to say something but I kept walking closer to the grey circle in the middle of the room. I walked on it and, nothing happened for a bit, until it dropped. "AH!" I screamed in terror. "HELP ME PLEASE" I screamed while falling when I heard the intercom blasting in my ears. "WHERE IS DYLAN WHERE IS THE KID IN THE ORANGE ROOM," It was chanting. I covered my ears because of how loud it was and, then suddenly grey platform stopped moving, and I woke up, sweating.
"You've got to be kidding me," I thought shaking my head in irritation. I heard speaking outside my doors my guess is the guards trying to pass the time. "Did they even sleep" "They differently don't look like it" I said out loud chuckling. I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes. I was walking over to unlock the doors of my room when I saw a plate slide in a slim gap in the glass wall. "Finally I'm starting" I scoffed, then took the plate and sat on my bed. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to eat it, but I was too caught up in the bacon to care. II I broke every rule in the book it was worth it, I was starving. "Where did they even cook this?" "I didn't see a kitchen?" I thought recalling my memories of walking to the bathroom last night.
I finished my plate and set it back down where I got it, then looked around the room for something to wear. Looking through the drawers on the sides of the rooms I see the same clothes a loose light gray long-sleeve shirt, a white T-shirt, and a pair of black loose-fitted pants. "I wonder if the other people got the same clothes," I thought as I slipped into the outfit in a small closet where people couldn't see me. Surprisingly it was my size the same as the shoes that sat on the outside of my door while I was getting ready.
I waited for a reason to exit the room, I wanted to explore but I wasn't sure if we were supposed to. Plus I already knew there was something off about this place and there was no reason I needed to find more evidence. So I lay in bed and got a little more rest.
Sacrifice Sanctuary
FantasyTwelve random contests are forced to enter a game in which they fight to survive. Only one will get to walk away free from the Sacrifice Sanctuary but never free from their guilt. Who will make it out, and who will they have to kill to get to the to...