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📍homema'laisia camille Taylor - 18Wednesday 10/9/236:47 pm

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ma'laisia camille Taylor - 18
6:47 pm

I told all the boys to be at the house at 6:45 cus I wanted to tell them something , since my mom already knew

"you scared?" I asked amir while laughing as he parked the car

"hell nah but hell ya" he said rubbing his hands together

"well shit I am" I said getting out the car and I waited on him

We walked to the door and I took a deep breathe , I unlocked the door and we walked in

"oh hey bu-ddy" Dee said slowly while looking at me then amir

"who dis?" 5ive said as we walked in the front room and all the boys started asking hella questions

"this is my boyfriend amir , amir this is manman , k3 , dee , ty , drac or draco , tank , and trent" I said pointing to all them and they nodded

"when all dis happened?" drac said sitting up on the couch

"we been talking but we made it official 3 weeks ago" I said folding my hands behind my back

"aye you got dat shit on tho" tank said looking at amir up and down

"preciate"amir said and they nodded

"mama know bout him?"ty asked while looking at me and I nodded

"well we finna have a li talky talk go somewhere" 5ive said as he made a spot for amir to sit on the couch

"see unt uh no" I said shaking my head

"guh we ain't finna do or say nun bad"k3 said laughing

"gon head im straight" amir said and i just stomped my way up stairs

"li spoiled ass"trent said while getting something out his teeth

"boy wys" I heard amir say which made me mug the air as I went into my room

*minute's later

I've been in my room for a couple minutes and all I heard was giggles every second so I got up and went back downstairs , I wanna giggle to hell

"oh woww"I said walking infront of them

"see see see see I had called yo named ion kno how yeen hear me" manman said passing the blunt to me

"this ain't nun but the 3rd one we got 2 mo"dee said holding up the other blunts

"im finna start smoking cigarettes on yall ass" I said hitting the blunt blunt and passing it back

"I'll beat'cho muthafuckin ass"ty said as they all laughed

"on jesus , mama don't even smoke then bitches" 5ive said still laughing , we talked a little more then amir left

"ima give him a chance he cool as hell"drac said looking at me and they agreed

"bout time yall approve something"I said checking my phone

*weeks later

"sayin I won't fuck with you no more I probably still would" I sung as I cleaned up my room

"you might want to order something to eat I don't feel like cooking today" my mom said as she came in my room

"I already ate it's ok" I said looking at her and she nodded

After cleaning up and taking a shower I laid down and watched TikTok until I got a FaceTime from mir

"aye ma look at ya ugly ass brothers"mir said laughing while showing me tank nem pillow fighting in target

"what is yall doingg" I said laughing while looking in the camera

"hurlerr sister" k3 said waving in the camera

"wheee , wheee , whee" I heard trent say while ducking the pillows

"see this why they don't let black people do nothing how long y'all been there" I said still laughing

"we just got hea , we got kicked out the other one" he said looking at the camera and I just shook my head

"we finna leave tho you want some outta hea?"he asked

"yea a tropical sprite" I said getting something out my eyelashe

"alright I love you"he said looking up then back at the phone

"I love you to y'all be safe"I said and he hung up , they was taking to long so I went to sleep

I woke up to somebody kissing me which made me open my eyes a little

"come eat yeen eat nun since earlier" he said picking me up with my blanket , I just laid my head on his shoulder as we went downstairs

"I know yo ass wan sleep"dee said looking at me

"and was now what about it"I said looking back at him

"ion want da smoke" he said making me chuckle a little

"mama innat ho slumped to"ty said laughing

"oh yea she just came back from the gym , I had to do hair" I said getting down and stretching , we got our food and sat at the table

"what happened to your finger" I asked tank while looking at his finger

"nun to major I had cocked that pillow a lil back to far" he said laughing


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