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📍homema'laisia camille Taylor - 18Saturday 11/25/2311:08 am

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ma'laisia camille Taylor - 18
11:08 am

I don't know how but when I woke up mir was sleep in between my legs with his head in my shirt

so clingy

I moved his hand so I could grab my phone and check it , I sat there for a little and scrolled on tiktok

"bae get up"I said moving my shirt and rubbing his hair

"amir"I said picking up his hand and he groaned while moving his other hand

"get up so I can go brush my teeth"I said sitting up a little

"get up den" he said still laying down

"I can't you all under on me" I said looking at him making him look at me

"yo breath don't even stank" he said moving my legs off his shoulders and getting up

"so" I said getting up and walking to the bathroom as he followed while rubbing his eye

We brushed our teeth and all that stuff then we got ready

"your hair grow and you just think you all that" I said mugging mir in the mirror while he was behind me

"yo ass grow and you just think you all dat" he said looking at my booty then looking back at me in the mirror

"my ass been fat and I know I'm all that , just look at me"I said cheesing

"you right"he said laughing while shaking his head

"ian gon lie you bad bad you make bitches mad mad"he sung in my ear making me laugh

"bae you kno u fine" he said after giving me a kiss and walking out the bathroom

"come on ima be late gotta be there at 12:30"he said fixing his basketball pants , I grabbed my stuff and we left

"you want me to stay out hea witchu til 5ive nem come?"he asked as we walked in the gym , it was hella people there

"if you have to go back there now go ahead I'll be okay"I said walking on side of him

"alright I'll be back Ina minute y'all can sit ova dere"he said after giving me a kiss and going to the back , few minutes later ty nem walked in and sat down

"alright you fresh and shit" dee said looking at me laughing

"sum slight sum slight" I said laughing

"wea da hell dat nigga at" trent said looking around

"in the back somewhere"I said fixing my necklace

"y'all want sum from the concession stand"tank asked while getting up

"yea bring me a sprite" I said before him , manman , and drac walked off , they came back then they people started walking out the back and mir walked over to us

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