The relief is palpable as we leave the chamber, departing for Teqosa's home to reconvene and plan our way forward. Although the day is still in its infancy, the group fights through their exhaustion, knowing there is much more to achieve today. We may have won the battle, but the war is far from over.
The guards around this 'Great Library', cloaked in the black and gold of Qantua, mill about the high, dull, gray walls. The height of these stone structures makes me feel minuscule and inferior, as if my presence is a mere drop in a vast sea. The chill in the air brushes my skin, causing a shiver throughout my body. Mexqutli offers me his cape, but I refuse, not wanting to be indebted to him, and not wanting to appear weak.
Perhaps it's exhaustion that causes me to imagine a looming shadowy figure, hovering about the gate, standing out in their black garments amidst the bustling residents wearing neutral-colored tunics and capes. Their long, flowing cape flaps in the cold wind like a raven's wing slicing through the daylight, and the hood shrouds the identifying features of their face. Is this an ally of Taqsame coming to see us off? Is something more sinister at hand with this character? My instincts tell me to confront this person and challenge them directly. I take a half-step forward, every fiber of my being attuned to this potential threat.
Suddenly, a loud crash echoes nearby, followed by an uproar of voices. Startled, I snap my head towards the commotion. A few paces away, a cart laden with water vessels has been overturned, its contents spilling onto the ground and causing a tiny flood. People scramble to collect the precious water, shouting and jostling one another. Mexqutli, standing nearest to the disaster, seems to be at the center of the calamity, looking flustered as he tries to help.
"By the stars, Mexqutli! Can't you keep out of trouble for a single moment?" I exclaim, torn between amusement and exasperation. I approach to assist, hoisting the vessels up and back onto the cart, despite many protests by Mexqutli and Sianchu to let the men do the lifting. They're surprisingly heavy—the first container's weight catches me off-balance initially, but I'm able to raise it up to my shoulders and carry it back to the owner, then proceed to do the same with the other dropped jug-like items.
"I've always got to clean up your messes," I tease the two men, who still appear astonished at how easily I was able to lift the water vessels. I've grown so accustomed to being underestimated that I hardly notice it anymore, marking it down as just another instance.
By the time the scene gets under control, I remember to glance back at the entrance of the Great Library. To my dismay, the mysterious observer has vanished without a trace. I scan the area for the unmistakable black hooded cape, but all that surrounds us are the residents of Hilaqta going about their business. Mexqutli inquires about my scowl, but I brush off his concerns and proceed to Teqosa's residence.
I feel nearly claustrophobic as I walk through the rigid homes constructed of stone and wood, all tightly packed together. While I understand Hilaqta is built this way due to the limited space, I've become so accustomed to the openness of Iantana that anything which isn't spread out seems as though it's going to cave in on me. Add to that the crowded streets with people seemingly appearing from everywhere—I've never seen this many people in one place since the battlefield. My chest is compressing and I find it difficult to breathe, but it isn't until we manage to turn a corner and spot Teqosa's home that I stop tensing up. Mexqutli gives me a curious look, but I ignore it and breeze past him, quickly entering the abode.
As the three of us wait for Teqosa and Upachu's arrival, I look at the respected veteran warrior's valuables. It isn't long before I take stock in them all, due to the minimal amount, and I feel a certain respect for his pared-down approach to possessions. Other than the bare essentials, there is a wall in his room that is lined with various weapons: a glaive, two swords with their sharp bronze blades and simple hilts, an unadorned axe, a club with several protruding spikes, and two daggers with basic handles. I soon observe he has more weapons than furniture or household items. I don't know whether to be concerned or impressed.

FantasíaAt long last, the oppressive rule of the titans has ended. We are finally free, thanks to the sacrifice of The Eleven, who unified a fractured land and used their supernatural powers to defeat the Timuaq. There are many like myself who have only kno...