There's a part of you that wishes you simply got isolated by the storm. Not only have you been separated from your only allies on this journey, but now you're also stuck with the two people who have done nothing but antagonize you from the start. Seeing the faces of Benicto and Dorez makes you want to run off deep into the forest or up to the mountains, never to be heard from nor seen again. You start to wonder how this could possibly get worse, but you don't want to tempt the gods into torturing you any further.
As if reading your mind, Benicto sneers and breaks the uneasy silence. "Great. The only other person we can find is oilaskoa? We're doomed."
Dorez stands a few paces behind him, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. She looks like she wants to say something but holds back, her eyes darting between you and Benicto.
He narrows his eyes, then lights up as though he's spotted something upon which to pounce. "What's the matter? Missing your little friends already?" He steps closer, his eyes glinting with malice. "You're just dead weight, you know that? If it weren't for us, you'd be lost out here."
You nearly grind your teeth down to a powder, biting back a retort and trying to steady your nerves. You've learned by now that engaging with Benicto usually only makes things worse.
"Look," you say, trying your best to not escalate matters, "we're all in this together now. The storm has scattered everyone, and the only way we're getting out of this is by working together."
Benicto laughs, a harsh, grating sound. "Working together? With you?" He spits on the ground in contempt. "You'd just slow us down."
Dorez shoots Benicto a look, her eyes a mix of frustration and anxiety. "Benicto, this is not the time," she mutters, but her voice lacks conviction. Her head hangs low, almost as though her neck struggles to hold it up, while she clutches herself tightly. She's clearly shaken by the separation from the rest of the group and the ordeal of the storm.
Benicto waves her off dismissively. "No, it's exactly the time. We need to figure out what to do, and I don't want oilaskoa here slowing us down." He turns his glare back to you. "Do you even know what to do in a situation like this?"
"We need water," you say, keeping your voice calm and measured despite the rising anger. "That should be our first priority. And shelter. If we want to survive, we need to find both. Standing here arguing isn't going to help anyone"
Dorez nods, seemingly grateful for the practical suggestion. Benicto, on the other hand, rolls his eyes, but doesn't argue. "Fine, we look for water. But don't think I'm going to carry you if you collapse, oilaskoa."
You swallow your pride and nod. "Let's just focus on surviving."
The forest around you feels oppressive. As you move through it, the towering trees and thick underbrush seems like they're closing in, mirroring the suffocating tension between the three of you. Every rustle and snap of a twig sets your nerves on edge. But you force yourself to keep moving. Your mouth feels dry with thirst, and you keep your eyes peeled for any signs of a stream or river. The sooner you find water, the sooner you can address the other immediate needs: shelter and food.
"Over there," Dorez says suddenly, pointing ahead. You follow her gaze and see a slight depression in the ground, leading downhill. "If we follow that, it might lead us to water."
You nod and take the lead, with Benicto grumbling, but following behind. Dorez stays close, her eyes darting around nervously. As you make your way down the slope, you can't help but feel a small spark of hope. If you can just find water, maybe you can start to turn this dire situation around.

FantasíaAt long last, the oppressive rule of the titans has ended. We are finally free, thanks to the sacrifice of The Eleven, who unified a fractured land and used their supernatural powers to defeat the Timuaq. There are many like myself who have only kno...