"Your mind palace is enormous!"

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I sat in the front seat next to Greg as he drove to Dartmoor. The weather was sunny and the spring air was fresh as I loved it. It helped me clear out my mind. It brought me back to the joyful times of childhood.
I watched the green trees passing behind the window, imagening how it would be to jump from a top of a one to a top of another. The country around us opened far and wide with penetrating green fields, clear lakes and little country cottages with fully bloomed gardens.

"Aye, we're here." Greg said after he parked the car, pulling the handbrake backwards, turning off the engine and opening the door.
The whole journey was quiet. Greg was never much a talker when it came to a deep stuff like I was going through. He really wanted to help, but he couldn't do it by words. And I didn't blame him. I myself wouldn't know how to help somebody with such problems as I had.
"Thank you for taking me here. I'm sure the fresh country air will do good to me."

"I believe so, sissie." Greg smiled kindly and placed his arm on my shoulder as we walked towards a restaurant with a headsign "Live in green".
"It's a vegeterian one!" I exclaimed happily.
"I'll buy you a salad when we're finished." Greg patted ne on my back.
"Actually..."my anxiety kicked in, " there will be no need for that."
" But Nath..." Greg wanted to complain but I accidently cut him off, asking:

"Is that Sherlock? Aaand... John?"
"How did you..."
" Well they are behind the order desk, which I guess is not a place where regular costumers are allowed and they're talking to some guys that could possibly be the managers, judging by the white cook hats and grey aprons.
"Wow. Sherlock's gonna like you."
"The heck yeah. Just tell him this deduction and he will fall for you."

I blushed slightly and Greg triumphaly opened the door of the bistro.
"What the hell are you doing here, Gabriel?!" a tall, slender and handsome man with dark curly hair and blue eyes, asked quiet annoyed.
In fact, he was more than handsome. He was freaking beautiful! I thought to myself admiring his beautiful locks looking like a shreds of dark chocolate. He was truly a piece of art.
My eyes were made for admiring beauty. The only problem was that I couldn't see any in myself.

"The name's Greg, Sherlock, and you know it." a shorter man with a friendly but now a bit annoyed face punched him softly into his shoulder. His hair was a brownish gray and so I would describe his eyes too.
"Anyway, it starts with G." the handsome , yet cold one whom I understood to be Sherlock said without any interest.

Greg, taking Sherlock's mispronouncement of his name like an absolute casuality replied:
"Mycroft send me to see how you're doing."
"Oh that bastard, always thinking I can't manage without a "big brother" help."
The grey haired man who I presumed was John giggled and I giggled too, even though I had no idea who Mycroft was, 'cause big brother issues was something I got in touch with pretty regularly.

"And who's this?" Sherlock changed the subject pointing to me.
"Sherlock, John, meet my sister, Natalie."
I smiled shyly, John immediately shook my hand with a wide smile.
"Nice to meet you Natalie, Greg never mentioned having a sister..."
"It's because you never asked." Greg laughed.
"Or because she's not one of those who like being talked about." Sherlock pointed out and I nodded as a sign of agreement.

"Sherlock Holmes, nice to meet you." he said with a surprisingly warm smile. I expected him to act far more reserved since Greg said he's a sociopath, but in fact he really seemed like if it was a pleasure for him to meet me. "You're an artist, I see. In all ways possible..."

"You know... You deduced... You saw my fingertips, they would be unusualy hard and worn for a woman, unless... the woman were a musician.
More precisely, a player on a string instrument. Could be likely a guitar, ukulele or perhaps both.
But there's one more instrument. You saw that my shoulders aren't exactly at the same height. I tend to walk askew, but I'm still trying to stand straight. Why? Because I play an instrument which standing or sitting straight is essential for. That leads you to an only option- the violin.
Also, you observed that I am a painter. I still have a few spots of blue on my hands cause it never washes out at one time and, you tried to guess, either I am too lazy to wash it or too in love with the colours that I don't want to.
And at last, since my hands say almost everything about me, I have a generous amount of black ink pen marks on my fingers, could be either a student, someone taking notes, signing documents in the office or someone constantly writing poems.
Since you weren't really sure, it made you take measure of my style. Tirquoise pullover belonging formerly to my dad, wide long jeans from French Primark, big rainbow scarf bought in a cheap shop, colourful accesories, brown leather boots, and finally, shoulder-length cut black hair in two ponytails lead you to the conclussion that I am too much of an exeptional being for doing boring stuff as signing documents or writing notes, therefore, a poet." while I spoke so fast I absolutely forgot about time and didn't even spot John's opened mouth and unbelieving eyes, Greg's kind of obtuse face and Sherlock starring at me with eyes wide opened in astonishement and lips curved into a both admiring and shocked smirk.

"Well, I deduced all of this in the same order as you said, but I would certainly never deduce that you are able to do this!" he exclaimed in awe.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you..."
"Nathalie I'm glad you interrupted me, I've never seen anybody...
"Greg you knew you've got this at your home?" John joined in.
"It's likely a surprise for the both of us."
"I'm really sorry, it's just that I always have the need to prove that I'm not useless."

Sherlock looked up at me from behind his black curls. He knew. He saw my eyes still a bit red when we arrived. He saw my scratched wrist. He saw my stooped posture. He saw my trembling hands. He saw it all.
"Well, I believe there ain't more time for plain talking, we have to solve a case." I smiled and all the boys burst into laugh, cause truly, it was funny to see me leading the investigation on my first day of work which wasn't even mine.

"She's spectacular isn't she?" John whispered to Sherlock without me hearing it.
"Brilliant mind. And with the art and writing skills I suppose her mind palace is enormous!"

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