"Good job, crayons."

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The managers gave us access to their papers and information. They had no option since Greg started a police investigation. The victim was a man called Henry Knight who appeared to have seen a terrible hound which reputedly killed his father when he was a little boy. Poor Henry. I've never seen a man so frightened. He could barely stand straight without falling. His eyes indicaded many sleepless nights and his bitten lips comstant stress.

Unfortunately we didn't have any evidence to proove this hound existed except for his words and oddly, the words of Sherlock too. He said that he had seen the hound the evening before, looking exactly how Henry described him and it terrified him so much that he even cried. That wasn't Sherlock's confession however, this sentimental stuff I knew from John who told me.

I started looking through the papers in case I could find something interesting among them. Just orders and sells I thought to myself. Until... I spotted something quite weird. At first I overlooked it, consediring it to be a usual order in a restaurant, but a second later I realised, that this restaurant wasn't ordinary. It was a vegetarian one. And this was an awful lot of meat in the order.

"Sherlock?" I called on him absolutely forgetting that we've met only today and that he probably took me as an intriguer in his case.
"Yes Nathalie?"he asked again as kindly as I wouldn't expect at all.
"I think I found something strange..."
Sherlock walked to me and I showed him a small piece of paper with red lines.
"That's an awful lot of meat for a vegetarian restaurant." I said, reading what was written on the paper.
"Good job, crayons." he said with a wink and turned to John.
Sherlock just winked me. And called me by a nickname he just invented. Could he possibly... No that's a stupid idea. We've known each other for 30 minutes, really.

Sherlock and John interrogated the inkeepers and our investigation got enhanced by the fact that these two guys used to keep a dog, a huge hound actually, to boost the trade since the whole village was on its feet when it came to the story of the "supernatural hound". But unfortunately the dog was uncontrollable they had to have it killed which results in the big orders for meat. It wasn't for the restaurant, it was for the dog.

"Aye, so we've got it. No supernatural hound here, just a dog to boost up the trade. Case solved, time to go home." proclaimed Greg putting on his coat and grabbing his bag from the table.

And when I put all of those things together I simply couldn't let it be like this. I knew something weird was going on here. That it wasn't a real dog, as all of the villagers were saying but neither it was a prelude in Henry's head.
"No it cannot be it. There's something more to it." I said putting Greg's bag back on the table as a sign that he's not leave so soon.
"There is certainly more to it. I saw it. I saw it with my own damn eyes. It wasn't a mere "dog". It was a monster!" Sherlock exclaimed with a great fear in his blue eyes.

I starred at them a bit longer. They weren't simply blue. They were the beautiful mix of blue and green that formed together a beautiful shade of tirquoise and army gray at the same time. And there were also the little specks of gold in them which glittered in the dim light, making his face look so pleasant and gentle.
"Still Nathalie, we should go, I only came to check up on them. We'll return later."

"We haven't solved the case yet Greg!"
Sherlock looked at me with a surprised smile and John's look was exactly the same.
"But I have to go home..."
"You can, I'm staying here with them." I said with such surity that nobody could convince me to change my mind. Not even my older brother.
"Nathalie, you can't."
"We'll watch over her, right John?" Sherlock placed his arm around my shoulders. It was so comfo...
"No doubt." John smiled at both me and Sherlock.
"But she's..."
"I'm not a child anymore Greg. I know often I act like one but I believe I'm in a good company."

It took him awhile and I suppose if John hadn't been there, Greg wouldn't leave me alone with Sherlock's spectacular and observant mind, sarcastic speech and dry jokes. But that was what I liked about him the most. The uniqueness and passion into something which we both had. Not knowing that the passion weren't just our hobbies but also our very selves...

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