Part 3: The Escape

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Agony of decision

Back in his room, Pafe listened to the sounds of thunder raging outside. Through the window, he could see the chaos unfolding behind the castle's walls. The world blurred into a watery haze as rain lashed against whatever lay in its path.

Droplets trickled down the stony ramparts, forming muddy rivulets as they hit the ground. The earth, already saturated, gave in to the relentless assault, turning the usually lush grassy fields into a terrain full of treacherous sludge.

The weather reflected the stormy interior of Pafe's mind. Sitting on the animal hide covering his bed, his thoughts grew darker as the tempest worsened.

With each lighting strike, his rage grew stronger. The muscles in his jaw tensed, each breath drawn through gritted teeth, the air hissing like an angry serpent.

It wasn't fair, he thought. His inner being could not accept what happened. His mind grew clouded, filled with reflections of past injustices. He wanted to hit his head against the wall, just to stop the pain.

He couldn't live like this. There was only one course of action left for him. That was the only way out.

Escape. Oh, how he longed to escape. To run away. Far, very far.

Maybe he would find the legendary Dragon River, flowing from the mountain caves where the ancient dragons used to dwell. In the tales told in front of fireplaces, the river empties into a lake.

Apparently under this body of water, the dragons would often find their last resting place. It is also where their blood used to mix with the elements. Drink the water, and you are infused with magical powers. At least thus say the legends.

Pafe stood up, took the bag he often used on his solitary hunting expeditions, and stuffed it with whatever he could get his hands on. Food and water. Clothes. Coins.

Fastening his sword under his belt, and grabbing his bow and arrows in his left hand, he was ready to leave. 


The escape

Sneaking behind the castle guards, the young man entered the secret tunnels running underneath the castle, and culminating in the fields outside. They were meant to serve as escape paths in case of dire need.

Usually, the tunnels were filled with armed men strategically placed at different points. This time, due to his father's funeral, only a few kept watch. And Pafe knew where they were located, so it was easy for him to bypass them.

After some time of wandering through the underground passages, he reached the end. Opening the hidden hatch, he exited the tunnels into the outside world. Immediately, the pouring rain hit him hard.

In his mind it didn't matter, he had to press on. Not even stormy weather can stop him. The mud made it hard for him to run across the open field into the forest cover a few paces away.

Finally, he managed. He was now deep into the trees, hidden from view, and protected from the elements.

Pausing for a moment, he caught his breath. In his haste, he had forgotten to take a look back at the castle. He didn't even get a last glimpse of the place that had been home for his entire life. 

Maybe it was for the better. He must let go of his sentiments. They would only burden him. He must stay strong. There is a long mission ahead of him.

He walked, and walked. For hours. And hours. During the darkness of the night.

After a while, the storm subsided, and he could march without needing to look for cover. He had deliberately pushed on through the deepest parts of the forest, keeping away from the roads. No one would find him here.

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