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Glaring at her with rage, Shinobu didn't take her eyes off Akane. Her eye was pushing more than she could handle, taking its toll. Akane dashes at her, trying to strike, but finds her attack blocked quickly. As their swords clashed, Akane frowned at her. Shinobu grinned as she sent some debris flying into Akane. Akane yelled, falling back a little to check the damage. Not much, but she was bleeding. 'She's not as stupid as I once thought. She hits me from afar and then uses the same technique to keep me there. Hopefully, that doesn't give away my weakness. I might be doomed if that little punk knows'. Akane thought to herself, trying to get a new angle on things, to no avail. They both attacked again, their speed perfectly matching, so most of what was visible were the brief moments of their swords clashing or blocking attacks. Their attacks made the floor so structurally unstable that when a stray attack collapsed a part of the ceiling, the foundation gave out and dropped them into a creepy-looking lab. She used the debris from the floor around her, throwing a range of debris at Akane and dodging all of them coming her way.

"Yeah, maybe I can't go far, but I can dodge anything she throws at me because of my eyes. Is this girl dumb, or is she stupid?" Akane said to herself before throwing her sword at Shinobu, making her slash it out of the way. Akane then dashed at Shinobu and punched her in the stomach. Grabbing tightly on her sword, Shinobu then swings down at Akane; quickly turning her body, she kicks Shinobu's feet, making her fall, and she gets back up with a spin. She threw her heel down onto her face into the floor beneath them. Shinobu used whatever moment she could to toss her sword behind Akane moments before her face slammed into the floor.

Akane turned to watch where the sword went, curiosity getting better. Knowing that her attention span would get the best of her, Shinobu got up fast, making Akane lose her balance, and landed a punch right in her face, sending Akane flying.

"Your eye is pretty good, but your weak spot is your blind spot. You can't dodge what you can't see. I could tell from when I hit you from the back with the debris and how you looked at my sword to see where it was going. So to win this fight, all I have to do is get you from your blind spots." she said, slowly walking over to Akane. Akane then smirked at her as she laughed. "Oh damn, looks like you g-" That's when Shinobu's sword flew from the wall into her leg. "How the hell did you..." Akane yelled in pain, falling to one knee. "If you were paying attention, which you ironically were, you'd have seen me throw that. All I had to do was wait for you to stand on the proverbial X marks the spot and start talking." Shinobu mocked her as if it should have been obvious. Then, out of the blink of an eye, Shinobu threw a punch at Akane, hitting her in her face over and over again. Each hit did more damage than before. Akane couldn't move because the sword in her leg was causing her so much pain, and her eyes couldn't focus.

Pulling her leg off the sword with her blood splashing over the floor, Akane shoved Shinobu away, trying to make a run for it. Mark walked over to the hole in the ceiling and waved at her. His hair was still pink, and the sight of it made her try to run another way. Mark snapped as his vines grabbed her and restrained her. "Shinobu! End this!" Mark said and gave her a thumbs up. Shinobu nodded, calling her sword to her side, and dashed at Akane. Everything was happening so quickly that she barely had time to wonder how he got out before Shinobu started to slice at her. At first, her arms, then her legs, letting her scream out in pain before silencing her with a decapitation. Once Akane stopped screaming, Shinobu's body quickly succumbed to the poison, causing her to fall to the floor. Thinking fast, Mark grabbed a vine and swung down, catching her and landing softly on the stable floor.

"Shinobu, wake up!" Mark tried lightly tapping the side of her face to wake her up, increasingly worried as the minutes passed. The head of Akane had rolled down the rubble, resting by Shinobu's foot, her face forever stuck in the wide-open horror of her death. Mark reached for the eye as his stomach turned.

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