Leaving the hospital

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I did a little reasearch and the explanation for Omer ballon, only logical for me is aneurysm, probably ruptured because she is deadly one.

Due to the stress of hallucinations, questioning whether it is reality or not, Omer suffered a ballon burst in his head, while he was in company. With quick intervention of his brother Abdullah, he was transported to hospital where emergency operation was performed.

Abdullah calls Fatih to inform him about Omer's situation.

Fatih: Yes, father.

Abdullah: Son, are you alone? I want to tell you something, but you need to be calm.

Fatih: I'm in the car, going home, what happened?

Abdullah: Uncle Omer is in the hospital and is currently undergoing surgery, i'm waiting for the doctor to tell more about his condition.

F: What? How? I saw him in the office this morning, he seemed fine.

Ab: I can't believe it either, when i went to his office to leave company together, he just fell. Fatih, i want you to tell just Mustafa and go pick up Metehan, until operation is over, we won't tell others. Understood?

F: I understand, see you at the hospital.

Fatih, shocked by what he heard, tries to come up with the right words to tell Mustafa and Metehan. Deciding to pick them up and thell them what was happening on the way to the hospital, he suddenly shuddered at the thought of what could happen to Omer. Sending them a separate message that he will pick them up to talk about something important.

On the way to the hospital...

Mustafa: Fatih, where are we going? Did something happened?

Metehan: Did something happen to dad? He has been acting strangely for the last few days.

Fatih: Uncle Omer is in the hospital, father informed me that he is undergoing sirgery and only we know until we know what his condition is.

Met: I noticed that he was strange, why didn't i do something. 

Metehan starts crying in the back seat and blaming himself for Omer condition.

Mus: Metehan, don't blame yourself, this could happen to anyone and uncle Omer is strong man, everything will be fine.

Mustafa trying to sound as reassuring as possible that everything will be fine, looked at Fatih and their eyes met with sadneess. They spent the way to the hospital in silence, with occasinal sobs from Metehan.

At hospital..

Met: Granpa, how is dad? Is the operation over? Can we see him?

Ab: Metehan, calm down, the operation is over. Doctor said that he is out of danger and that in the coming days we will see his recovery, but for now we can't see him. 

F: Then i can tell others about uncle Omer?

Ab: Yes, but not to Kivilcim hanim, i don't want her and her family now in our sitiuation and Omer needs to recover, we don't need any kind of stress, after all, they are divorced. This also apllies to Doga, Fatih.

F: Yes, father.

While they agrees with Abdullah, Metehan is suspicious why not to tell them, he is good friend with Cimen and he thinks that Kivilcim should know, but deciding not to tell them immediately, but to wait for his father to arrive home.

After spending almost a month in hospital, Omer's recovery's going to continue  at home with medication and check-ups with the doctor every 3 months if there is no deterioratin.

Met: Finally dad, we're going home. That means no stress and work, you have to rest. And I will look after you.

Abd: Metehan is right Omer, you have to listen to everythin he says.

Omer: Okey brother, mission understood.

F: Just so you know uncle, mother and sister are cleaning your apartman, well you were't there so it need fresh  up.

Mus: Who knows what kind of change they made, you won't recognize it.

They all looked at each other worriedly and burts out laughing at thought, finally a happy moment for them. 

While the Unal family went towards Omer's apartmant, Doga was going to her mother with her little girl.

Doga: Mom, we're here. Cemre, look where we have come.

Cimen: Where is aunt's little princess.

Sonmez: Doga, honey, you need to come more often, we miss you a lot.

D: I know grandma, but right now it's chaotic in the house, they're behaving strangely, and nobody's talking, not even Nilay knows what's going on.

Kivilcim: We don't have to talk about them, do we?

Son: We won't Kivilcim. Sevilay can you make us coffee?

Sevilay: Of course, come right away.

C: In fact, even Metehan behaves strangely, we almost don't hear each other. I'll him a message to see what's going on.

K: Cimen!

C: What? He is my best friend.

Son: Just like her aunt, curious. One day you will pay the price of curiosity.

Metehan received a message from Cimen. Since Omer is resting with others in living room, Metehan went to his. Metehan answered briefly what happened and that Abdullah said not to tell them and Doga, they will talk when everyone go home.

C: Metehan answered. Oh, i didn't espect this.

K: What Cimen?

C: Says that Omer had brain surgery for aneurysm and he was in the hospital for nearly a month, he was released today.

Son: Doga, how did you not know about this?

D: I'm surprised too.

K: Unbelievable, how can they hide something like that? How long has this happening to Omer?

C: Well he says that Abdullah told them not to tell Doga and us too.

K: Why not?

Son: Kivilcim, you're divorced, he obviously thinks you shoudn't know or maybe Omer told him not to tell you.

D: And i shouldn't know because i would tell you. They are Unal's after all.

 C: We'll talk later, after the others go home. So i will know more.

K: When that happen, you'll let me to talk to Metehan.

D/C: Mom!

Son: Kivilcim!

K: I won't even hear it, we'll just talk, i want to know when it started and i have right to know. Cimen, understood?

C: Yes mom.

So this is my first story, it is not perfect, there are still some things that i would personally  add, but it would be too much i think. I wanted to focus only on kivmer, but all the characters are important and their storyline can affect kivmer. I wanted to add more conversations between characters, but it would look like i'm writing a script for an episode. I hope that whoever reads , going to like it. Feel free to leave a comment.

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