Omer's visitor

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Even if was not early in the morning, Omer didn't like that often visit from his family. Knowing that they worry about him, but it was to much.

Ab: How are you today, Omer?

O: Like every day brother, fine. You need to stop this much visitation. If something goes wrong, Metehan would call you.

Ab: I know, but we have a right to worry, don't we?

O: Yes, of course, but it suffocate me now. I just have a lot on my mind, and I need to think.

Ab: About Kivilcim?

O: Yes. I did I harm to her, I shouldn't. It was at the time of illness, in my mind I was thinking that I doing a good too her.

Ab: Omer, at some point in our lives, we lose a control over it. And we surrender to fate. And that is the biggest lie in our lives, it's the only truth we know.

O: I was trying to find solution to it, because of that I didn't tell you. I couldn't see otherwise.

While Abdullah and Omer was talking, Mustafa and Fatih helping Metehan with coffee.

Mus: With this whole situation and didn't asked you Metehan, how are you?

Met: Ah, thank you for asking. I'm good for now, I guess. It did help me talking to...

Metehan stop at that sentence, he knows he can't tell about talking to Kivilcim.

F: Who were you talking to?

Met: I did talk to Cimen, she is my best friend, after all.

F: So they know about Omer?

Met: Not quite. I didn't tell her everything.

Mus: Let him go Fatih. He needs to talk to someone.

F: Fine. But we know what father told us.

After a some time, they left for work. Metehan let his dad to take some rest. He write a message to Kivilcim : " They left, you can come. I will go to my mom when you arrive. "
Kivilcim receive a message and her heart started beating really fast. She responded:"I will be there in 30min. Thank you. " She knows that no matter how much she prepare herself, she won't be prepared for talking to Omer. Arriving at the door of Omer's apartment, she rang the bell with unncertainty. Metehan opened the door for her.

Met: Welcome. Dad is in the living room. I'm going to mother's place, if comes to some changes, i will let you know.

K: Thank you Metehan, i hope you won't be in trouble because of me.

O: Who came again, Metehan?

Metehan smiled at Kivilcim and left. Kivilcim, walking slowly, entered the living room. Omer surprised by the face he saw,and on the other hand happy to see her.

O: Kivilcim?

K: Hello Omer. Don't get up, you're still recovering, aren't you?

O: I'm all right.

Even though they are not close to each other, he could feel her anger in the air, in the way she stood in front of him. In her eyes he saw sadness and feel of the betrayal.

O: Please, sit down. Would you like some coffee?

She sat at the end of sofa, she didn't want to be too close to him. Omer was sitting in the middle, but with right move he could be close to her.

K: No, thanks. I'm not here to drink coffee with you, Omer.

O: Did Metehan told you?

K: Does it matter? I think it's more important that you hid it from me.

O: Kivilcim... I wanted to tell you..

K: Let me finish.

Knowing that if he doesn't let her talk, her emotions will overcome her and she needs to says what's on her mind. He knows her, at least he can do that for her.

K: You didn't have enough confidence in me to tell me what was going on with you. You left me aside when you need me the most! Was it easier for you to destroy what we were?! Didn't you think about me?! How would i feel?!

O: Of course i was thinking of you, every moment. Do you think it was easy for me?! I just didn't want to be burden on top of all your problems.

K: Omer, we swore to each other that we would be together for better or worse, and you broke that!

O: Kivilcim, I didn't want you to watch me die, to see sadness on your face and knowing it was my fault.

K: So it was better to lie to me that you are in love with someone else and that i hate you for it?!

O: At that moment i thought it was better that way. I didn't want you to stay unhappy when i died, and you know that you deserve to be happy, i didn't want to deny that to you.

K: You had no right to decide for me! This betrayl hurts me more, Omer. I wanted to be next to you. My heart hurts, because our love should have overcome all problems and we should stick together. Didn't you say you wanted us to become "we". And where is it now?

O: I wanted to tell you, but there was always something going on that was more important to you. We couldn't even live together, Kivilcim!

And those words cut her like a sword and her heart started bleeding again. Omer knew he hurt her once again with words he said, but they were the truth and that's why they hurt the most. Kivilcim slowly turns her back so he would't see the tears in her eyes and she wanted to leave. At that moment, she felt his arms around her, unwilling to let her go. Omer put his head on her shoulder and wanted to remember again how it's was to be next to her. She close her eyes and her tension eased, because she always felt safe and as if all problems would dissappear, while she was in his arms. Feeling how much they missed each other and wanting not to be separated, their hearts began to beat as one, both of them burned by separation. Kivilcim wanted to look at Omer and tell him how much she loves him. Even though they could stayed that way forever, Kivilcim phone rang. It was Metehan.

K: Yes?

Met: Kivilcim, Pembe and Nursema called me a little while ago and said they where coming, they wanted to bring dad his favorite food. It's better not to meet them.

K: I was just leaving, don't worry.

O: What's happening? Do you really need to go? I want to apologize for what I said.

K: Well, you will have more visitors, not just me. And seems that we spent more time hugging than talking. And I need to think of everything you said.

O: I'm tired of all those visits. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't apply to you. And i have nothing against hugging, the best medicine. I shouldn't have said it that way.

K: Of course you don't mind, but you should have thought about it earlier. Although you should have thought about everything earlier.

O: Will you come again? I would like you to come, to try to fix things, at least from my side to fix as much as I can. I owe you that much at least.

K: We will see. If I decided to come again I will announce myself, i don't want to meet the others.

Walking towards the door, they stopped in front of it. Not knowing how to say goodbye, they stood looking into each other's eyes. There was desire to kiss each other, but they knew it would lead to something else. They kissed on the cheek, but Omer didn't want to let her go, he wanted to enjoy he embrace. But Kivilicim looked at him and with her eyes begging him to let her go and not make it diffucult. Finally they said goodbye to each other, until next time....

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