Passion and Pleasure

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As several days passed and Kivilcim didn't visit him. Omer didn't like to wait to see her again. He felt the urge to go to her place, but knew that would be a bad idea. He misses her a lot, he could write her a message, he thought, but he need to lie again. Omer texted her that he need help. And he needed help, her help, just to be by her side, to see her. Well, technically he wasn't lying. 

Kivilcim received a message from Omer and left the house  without thinking and she just told her family she had to go. They were suprised, it was dinner time.

Omer was waiting for her in living room, preparing for her reaction, because it wouldn't be good, he lied, but he knew that if they were separeted for too long, he coudn't fix things between them. Kivilcim arriving at some time, knock on the door and heard Omer's voice: "It's open." She went inside and hurried to him.

K: Omer, are you okay? What happened?

Omer stood.

O: I'm fine. I'm sorry, if i worried you.

Kivilcim starts to get angry.

K:  You're lying to me again! What if something really happens and you can't reach me, then what?!

Seeing how beautiful she is when she gets angry, amazed by the sight in front of him and not listening to anything she says. Slowly walking towards her, while she was still talking, gently holding her face in his hand and placing his lips on hers. She looked at him in suprise and just closed her eyes. She dropped her bag and she put her hand on his shoulders, instead of pushing him away, because she wasn't ready to forgive him yet, she held him even tighter. 

Omer picked her up and began to lead to his room, not separating his lips from hers. Kivilcim slowly took of her coat as he was carried her. When they come slose to Omer's bed, he gently put her down and take off the rest of their clothes. 

Moment for them was gentle and seductive, until the rush of passion came. The time they weren't together caused them to burn out one after the other. Her hands moved from his shoulder to his waist, bringing him closer to her. She wanted that pleasure, warmth and security she felt with him.  His lips disarmed her competely and she surrendered her lips to him, wanting him to guide her. Omer knowing what she wanted, kiss her even more passionately. 

His hand touched her soft lips. They slowly began to move from her lips to her neck, leaving soft kisses on her. Moved to her breast, she felt his soft and heavy hand, that always turned her on. Finally, she felt him inside her and their movements began to be one. Her hands were on his back, her nails leaving marks. Omer hand held her thing as he quickened his pace, wanting to reach orgasm together. 

Omer caught her hands and stretched them above her head, holding them tightly. She could feel his weight and the heat of his body. Kivilcim tight her thighs around his waist.

K: Wait... not yet.

O: Surrender to me.

Omer moaned and kissed her passionately. She slowly spreading her thighs, in that moment she let out muffled cry of pleasure. When Omer heard her sigh of relief, he indulged himself in pleasure. He groaned, then took a deep breath and rested his head on her shoulder. They lay in each other's arms, blinded by sweat. Kivilcim enjoyed being in his arms, completely calm and satisfied. Exhausted, they both fell asleep.

In the morning, Omer was already awake and looking at Kivilcim.  He thought, how could he allow  them to be separeted, when they could not live without each other. Kivilcim slowly woke up too, she saw Omer looking at her and smiling.

Kivilcim moved away from Omer a little and now they were looking at each other. He was still smiling and impresed how good she was looked.

K: What happened last night, doesn't mean that you are forgiven.

O: I know, but this is also one way to forgive me. I'll try, but it can't be just from my side, you know that? We both need to cooperate.

Kivilcim landed her lips on his without hesitation. She wasn't thinking at that moment. It was more than a sudden excitement and more then a mild longing that washed over her, wanting to kiss him. There was need to be felt and satisfied again. They indulged in a new surge of passion. Omer took her and placed her on his lap, her legs wrapped arounf his waist. Now he was surrendering to her. 

He began to feel pleasure as she slowly moved up and down. His hands were on her back, holding her tight and pulling her closer to him. Kivilcim held onto his shoulder wtih one hand, while the other was on his face, holding, not wanting to lose contact with his lips. Approaching orgasm, Kivilcim slowly tilting her head back, and vthere was opportunity for Omer to bite her neck. She smiled, while he continues to kiss her neck and breast

Within minutes they were both moaning, and there was again, the pleasure and passion they had for each other. She placed her forehead on his and they both smiled.

After showering, Omer went to kitchen to prepare coffee and breakfast, while Kivilcim was getting ready. Kivilcim, not intending to stay, because she had to explane to her family why she left the house in a hurry and didn't come back until the morning. When she opened the door, she saw Doga and Fatih and little Cemre. Everyone was suprised to see each other.

D: Mom?

F: Kivilcim hanim?

K: Hi. What brings you here?

F: We can ask you the same question.

D: Fatih! Well, we went to Cemre's doctor's appointment and i told Fatih to stop by Omer's, to see how he is.

Kivilcim smiled sourly at Fatih and gave a suspision look to Doga. Kivilcim took the Cemre from Doga and they all headed towards the living room. 

K: We will go get Omer and bring something to drink.

Kivilcim and Cemre goes to the kitchen to get the Omer.

D: Why did you ask her like that?

F: Why not? What is she doing here?

D: Well, she is probably visiting Omer, like us. 

F: And who told her about Omer?

D: Maybe Omer himself or me! They have to talk, and you know it! They will probably get back together.

F: I hope they will not.

D: Fatih, don't go on my nerve!

Kivilcim saw Omer smiling and felt some warmth around her heart. Omer raised his head and saw Kivilcim and Cemre. Kivilcim walks towards him.

K: Suprise!

O: It seems that i have a guest, the sweetest one and i see that you got ready to leave without telling me.

K: Yes, i wanted to, because i have to explain at home. Doga and Fatih are waiting in living room, don't make them wait long. Take Cemre and go, while i prepare coffee, then i will come. 

O: And when can we talk? Can we move on from this point?

K: Omere, last night we saw at what direction our talks goes. We need at least try to move forward. Now i want that too.

O: I'm glad we think the same. You see, last night's and this morning's ways were successful in make you forgive me.

K: I need more than that, just you know. Now go.

Omer left the kitchen with Cemre and Kivilcim stayed to prepare  coffee, smiling and feeling butterflies in stomach. 

K: What is this Omer doing to me, that i can't remain immune to him.

She thought that, definitely now, when they needed to talk, it wouldn't work in his house. She smiled even more at that thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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