Chapter 2

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(Y/N) and Momonga were standing in front of the guardians that were gathered there.  They were all kneeling and bowing to both of their leaders. Momonga took a glance at his brother and wondered something.

Momonga: "Would you like to speak, (Y/N)? Usually you would always do so?"

(Y/N) slowly looked at his older brother and raised his eyebrow. Why was he putting this all on him? Shouldn't Momonga be the one addressing them since he is technically the guild leader. Though (Y/N) sighed and nodded.

He walked a few steps forward and closed his eyes. He snapped his eyes opened and released a whole lot of pressure directed towards the guardians. He was glaring at them while his eyes glowed  red.

Albedo: "Urk..!?"

The pressure was heavy on them. .Too heavy on them. Sweat trickled down their faces and dripped down onto the ground. Some of them tried to push through what they were feeling. Salem was grinning like a mad woman.

Salem: 'This is what my lord's! This is what his power feels like? It's like something is suffocating me, I almost can't breathe..!'

Rumi was grinning as well because her battle instincts were kicking in. It made her want to fight her lord but, she knew doing so would only result in a bad ending for her.. Maybe her death?

Rumi: 'Lord (Y/N)'s pressure..! It's amazing..!'

Suddenly that pressure went away, allowing them to breathe normally. They were all breathing heavily.. The girls had blushes on their faces.

(Y/N): "Hmm.. Seems you were able to withstand some of my power..? That's good!"

He chuckled softly. They knew that (Y/N) was strong, but not that strong...and did he just say some?! He had his hands on his hips with a small smirk gracing his lips.  He looked at Albedo and  raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N): "Tell me Albedo..What am I to you?"

Albedo looked up and looked at (Y/N) with obsession and with a blush on her face. She had a crazed look in her eyes but also

Albedo: "You are.. my everything, Lord (Y/N)! If Lord Momonga would allow me, I would marry you right now and have kids with you..! No one would get in the way of our love and I would make sure of it!"

(Y/N) just stared before looking back at Momonga who just looked away, like he was innocent. He then looked back at Albedo and sighed softly, before smiling.

(Y/N): "Is that right.. You wish to be mine and give me children? To think I would be your everything.."

He appeared in front of Salem..She looked up at him, dawning a charming smile.

(Y/N): "What am I to you...Salem?"

Salem: "You are my lord, and everything. If I could I would take you to the bed chambers and make you mine..~ I'd make sure to mark you as mine, with hickies and kisses, to show how much I adore and need you."

Albedo: "You'll have to get through me first.."

Salem rolled her eyes.

Salem: "Oh please, like you could please my lord.. You can't even pleasure a man, I bet. I on the other hand know somethings about pleasuring a man~ I can show you what I can do, Lord..~"

(Y/N) blushed and giggled then patted Salem on the head. He then walked over to Mikasa, who was steel kneeling down.

(Y/N): "Mikasa Ackerman..What am I to you..?"

Mikasa looked up at her lord with admiration.

Mikasa: "Your.. Your...My Everything and my reason to live.. To see you everyday gives me joy and makes me want to be by your side and be the only one for you.."

(Y/N) hummed and gave Mikasa a head pat and then walked back to Mamonga.

Momonga: "Right now, the Great tomb of Nazarick is caught in an unknown situation. I already had Sebas survey the surroundings."

(Y/N): "I had Mikasa and Ymir do the same thing.. It seems that Mikasa was quicker than Sebas since she's here.. Mikasa, mind telling us what's the details of our surroundings?"

Mikasa: "Right, Lord (Y/N). It's nothing but Grassland as far as I can see. Completely different from the swamps that surrounded the Great tomb of Nazarick. I could not confirm a single building, human, or monster in a one kilometer radius."

(Y/N): "Good work, Mikasa."

Momonga: "It seems that Nazarick has been transported to an unknown land for some reason. Floor Guardian, Albedo and as well as defensive leader, Demiugre. Create a stronger information sharing system and fortify our defenses."

Demiurge/Albedo: "Yes Lord!"

(Y/N): "Mare, is there a way to conceal the Great Tomb of Nazarick?"

Mare: "It would be difficult, but if we cover  the walls with dirt and conceal ourselves with Vegetation."

Albedo: "You want to smear the glorious Nazarick Walls with dirt?"

(Y/N): "Don't make any unnecessary Marks, Albedo."

Albedo: "Sorry, Lord (Y/N)."

THey all decided what was going to happen.. Now, Momonga has left.. Leaving (Y/N) with the guardians. Albedo was breathing heavily.

Albedo: "It's just as you say! They responded to our feelings and acted just as an absolute ruler should! As expected from our Creators!"

(Y/N) simply shook his head and Salem walked up to him and looked at him.

Salem: "Shall we go somewhere more private away from the others, Lord (Y/N)?"

Mikasa: "I believe lord (Y/N) is fine where he is currently at...You only want to spend more time with him and probably do some unholy things with him.."

Salem gasped.

Salem: "That's not true! I simply wish for our lord to go and get a breath of fresh air."

Rumi stepped next to Salem and grinned.

Rumi: "Then you wouldn't mind me going with him, You wouldn't mind right, my lord?"

(Y/N): "Of course, Of course.. You can accompany me. Let's go,  Rumi."

He gestured to her to follow him. Salem was fuming as she growled, missing her chance to be alone with the master once again. Dehya smirked and so did Alcina.

(Y/N)  and  Rumi were outside standing on a high point on the castle.

(Y/N): "What a beautiful Scenery.. If only I could stare at it forever, that would be nice."

Rumi: "I agree with you.. Lord (Y/N)..Do you think I am worthy of your love and praise.”

Okay that was out of nowhere.. Where  was Rumi going with this? (Y/N) glanced at her for a second before returning to looking at the scenery.

(Y/N): "What do you mean, Rumi.. Of course, you are worthy of my love.. All of my guardians, my creations are worthy of it."

Rumi bit her bottom lip. (Y/N) gently grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

(Y/N): "Don't ever doubt yourself, and think you're not worthy of my praise or love.. Understand.. You and everyone of my creations have a special place in my heart and you girls will never leave that place, ever."

Rumi smiled with a blush on her cheeks.

Rumi: "I understand, My lord..  I'll be sure to keep what you said in my mind forever, for as long as I Live."

(Y/N): "Good Bunny. For now.. I'll go to my bedroom.. I'm feeling a bit tired."

Rumi: "Shall I accompany you to your bed chambers?"

(Y/N): "No.. You get some rest as well. See you in the morning, Rumi."

He disappeared..

Instead of Having Rumi come with him to the bed chambers, it was Salem that he requested. She of course was happy to accompany her master to his bed chambers and sleep with him. They slept together, With Salem being the big spoon and (Y/N) being the little spoon.

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