Chapter 3

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(Y/N) was sleeping in his bed and Salem was right beside him. He was sleeping soundly while Salem was waking up. Her eyes fluttered open.. She flipped over onto her back and stretched.. She then looked over at (Y/N), who was still sleeping.

Salem: 'Lord (Y/N) is so... cute when he is sleeping.'

A smile dawned on her face as she looked at her master's sleeping face. To her, he was so beautiful and so pretty. It was like she wanted to give him the world because he was her lord. If only he would've overthrown Momonga then Salem could've been one of (Y/N)'s queens. Though it looks like she will have to settle being how she is now. Though right now, it was time to wake up her lord.

So she gently shook him, trying to wake him up.

Salem: "My Lord.. It's time to get up."

(Y/N)'s eyes slowly opened and blinked a couple of times and looked at Salem. She had a caring and loving smile on her face.  She reached over and gently glided her thumb on his cheek.

Salem: "Good morning, my lord. Did you sleep well?"

(Y/N): "I did . . but I would prefer sleeping a bit more."

Salem Giggled.

Salem: "You can't my lord. You need to go and meet..Momonga."

She said Momonga's name with venom. She didn't like Momonga. She thought that he wasn't fit to be ruler while her Lord was the perfect ruler. (Y/N) simply nodded and got out of the bed and walked towards the door, He was already in his regular revealing clothing.

Salem: "My lord.. Did you know your ass is big..?"

He stopped walking and stopped at the door and looked behind him, directly at his ass. He smirked and looked at Salem..

(Y/N): "Why are you even looking at my ass, Salem?"

Salem blushed and cleared her throat.

Salem: "I was just.. making an..uh.. Observation."

(Y/N)  raised his eyebrows.

(Y/N): "What an odd observation, right? Since you like looking at It.. I'm sure you would like it if I do this?"

He suddenly made his cheeks move, making them clap. The sound of clapping could be heard. (Y/N) giggled softly, making some lewd noises to make Salem feel some type of way.

 (Y/N) giggled softly, making some lewd noises to make Salem feel some type of way

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(Y/N): "Mmh..Mmh..~ Fufufu~"

Salem could only stare at his ass. She was in a trance. She was completely hypnotized and it felt like she could just stare at it all day. Lewd, Naughty, thoughts filled her mind as she stared at it.  Suddenly (Y/N) stopped and  chuckled.

(Y/N): "Come on, let's go meet Momonga. We got things to do today I'm sure of it."

Salem shook her head to get out of her trance but the image of (Y/N)'s cheeks clapping together will be in her memory for a long time. She licked her lips. She wanted to fuck her lord right here and right now, Show him that she loved him and adored him. Though alas.. She didn't think her lord would let her. Little did she know, (Y/N) would let her hit, when he felt like it.

Sorry For the Intrusion (Femboy!Male!Reader x Overlord G!P Harem)Where stories live. Discover now