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Jungkook called on the extension
and he picked up the phone...

Jungkook said, "I need you in right Now."

Tae kept the phone down and walked into his office...

he asked, "You wanted to see me again?"

Jungkook looked at his watch and said "it's I. And in an hour, everyone in this building will go out to get lunch."

He threw a file at tae but Tae caught it...

Jungkook said "Summarize the file for me. If it's not done by 2, you don't get to have lunch at all...
Understand?" That exact word reminded Tae of David, his uncle. Like a child, he shook his head in fear and said: "Understood, Mr. Jeon."
he left.

This is not how Tae wanted to be loved. And he thought all his life someone would support him but no one did. No one loved him or let him be loved...

When Tae was done summarizing in half an hour, he printed out the last paper and closed the file. Smiling at himself for his small victory...

Jungkook was watching him like a hawk. He loved the way Tae smiled but he wasn't gonna let that smile stay for long...

Tae went in and kept the file on his desk, right in the middle and in front of him...

Jungkook stood up and picked up the file and read through it quickly...

He looked back at tae again and Tae had his bottom lip between teeth.he Nibbling on it...

Without warning, he threw the papers in the bin and kept the empty file in front of Tae again. He pointed at the yellow file in the table and said:

"Write it again." His eyes widened

"What was wrong with that?"

"everything. Write it again."
even though there was nothing wrong. The summarization was perfect. But he didn't want it. He
wanted him to work on it

Tae nodded and said "Okay. I'l
do it after lunch."..

"No, you'll do it now while I go
out for lunch. Okay?"..


"Shhh. At 4 the Italian people
are coming for a deal with
me. I want you to guide them to the conference room. Understand?"


He came forward to tae and
He smiled and said

"I like how you respond to that word. I really do. It gives me some kind of... satisfaction.".

He walked past him leaving
Tae alone...


( 18+)

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