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They bought han home.

He was scared of being adopted by them. He really was.

Taehyung and jungkook even decorated a new room for him. He was a quiet child. I never really talked much...

They were all eating dinner

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They were all eating dinner.
Jungkook and taehyung tried to make conversations with him.

Taehyung asked, "So han, what do you like in food?"

He looked at him and said" Anything."

Taehyung looked at jungkook and he
cleared his throat asking "Do
you like sports, han?" He
didn't answer.

Taehyung tucked the boy in his bed and kissed his forehead
saying "Good night, honey." He hummed in response.

They couldn't get through the
child. He wouldn't show them
any emotion.

It was late at night, taehyung walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

he saw the fridge open and
saw han's tiny body trying to take out the leftover food.

he called his name " han?"

He looked at him shocked and accidentally broke the water glass dropping it on the floor.

He closed the fridge and taehyung walked to him. He ran from there. Fast as his small legs carried him. Hiding behind the staircase.

he heard him crying out
loud. he went to him. And he pushed himself into the corner begging him not to hit him.

He cried " Please don't hit me. I'm sorry for being bad."

Taehyung tried to reach him but he pushed himself in the corner more. Crushing himself more. Screaming

he said in a sweet voice " honey , I will never hurt you" He stopped crying

he held out his hand and said: "Come with me." He held his finger with his tiny hand. And she picked him up resting him on his hip waking to the couch.

He cried nonstop on hid
chest. he wipes his tears and asked,
"What were you doing in the fridge?"

He replied hiccuping "I-I was hungry. This is the usual time I eat dinner."


He nodded his little head. His
green eyes were all wet. he smiled at him and asked "How about we eat dinner together? Would you like that? even I'm hungry."

He nodded his little head and
Tae again asked:"Will you tell me a little about yourself?" He nodded his head again.

he kissed his cheek and
carried him to the kitchen island. Setting him.

Tae warmed the food for him
and himself. And they both eat together. Laughing. He was finally opening up to him. Like a flower does in the sunlight.

He loved airplanes and his
dreams were to be a pilot. Taehyung chuckled when he imitated an airplane engine. Laughing at his action. He made him laugh so hard.

Jungkook came downstairs because of the voice. In his sweatpants only. His hair was messy.

Han stopped and looked at him and ran behind taehyung.

Jungkook asked, "What is going on?"

Taehyung laughed and said, "han told me he loved airplanes."

Tae eyed him and Jungkook played along. He asked " Really?"

Jungkook kneeled on the floor
where he saw han hiding
behind taehyung's leg.

And said, "You know I own an airplane?"

He looked at taehyung and
smiled. Jungkook sat on the floor
with his legs crossed and
Taehyung did as well.

Han was still standing. He
was trying to stay away from jungkook.

Taehyung looked at him and asked, "Wanna sit with me?" He looked at him and nodded.

Tae sat him on his lap as jungkook looked at taehyung and smiled. Loving the progress they made.

Jungkook said, "I even know how
to fly one."

Han's eyes widened. He exclaimed,

" Are you a pilot?"

Jungkook chuckled "You can say." A long wow was heard from his mouth making both jungkook and taehyung laugh out loud.

They went into their bedroom with ham. Listening to him telling them his imaginations. Things he likes.

Vegetable he hates. His favorite toy if he could have any. His favorite

And soon they all fell asleep.
Taehyung was the first one to
wake up in the morning.

he looked at jungkook and han
sleeping. Han spread across jungkook's chest.

he took his phone a shot a
picture of them. Loving the View that he had.

he made airplane shaped pancakes for everyone.

he made airplane shaped pancakes for everyone

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he said out loud " Breakfast!"

Jungkook came down the stairs
while holding han's tiny

Taehyung laughed as he saw the
little boy rubbed away the sleep in his eyes.

Jungkook picked him up and set him on the island stool and
sat beside him.

Taehyung served normal
pancakes to jungkook but airplanes shaped to han.

Han's small laughs and giggles filled the house Han smiled and he said shyly "Thanks....... mom"

He was uncomfortable.

Taehyung said " honey you don't have to call me mom if you're not comfortable. You can call us by our names. That's okay."

He shook his head and said, "No, I like mom and dad."

Jungkook looked at taehyung smiling

They even enrolled
Han in elementary school.

As they looked at him going behind the gates on his first day, they couldn't stop smiling at him.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around tae's waist and pulled him closer to his chest and asked "Whatcha thinking?"

he replied "I love this kid so much. He's a good boy. And him calling me mom is just an amazing feeling. Do you think?"

he looked up at him and he smiled nodding his head and kissing his temple.

He said"I like being a dad. even he isn't our own, but I know he's gonna get the love like one. I love him, tae... and you "


To be continue...

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