
2.7K 78 4

It was Thanksgiving day.
Han's first thanksgiving.

It's been 4 months since they've adopted him.

Jungkook waited for han outside
his school. Leaning on the

Mothers and teachers looking at him up and down.

The bell rang and han runs over to jungkook hugging him tightly as his little arms could.

Jungkook said, "How was school today?"

He showed him his golden stars stickers on the collar of his shirt and jungkook chuckled.

Single Mothers who were picking up their kid were drooling over jungkook.

Jungkook gave them a simple
smile and they smiled back at

They got home and han ran to taehyung hugging him. Showing him his stars that he got. Jungkook kissed taehyung.

he said, "Get changed we have guests coming over here in about two hours."

Taehyung was making a feast for everyone.

As taehyung worked in the
kitchen, han sat on the stairs staring at him as he cooked.

Jungkook sat beside han and
asked, "What are you staring
at?" He smiled and said, "Mom won't let me have a cornbread."

Jungkook chuckled and picked him up. Tiptoeing to the island
where tae kept a basket of

Before jungkook could grab the
bread, taehyung said: "Not before

Without even turning around.
Jungkook was shocked.

How could he know?
Tae turned around with a
smile on his face. His hands
on his hips as he asked: "Who was planning to steal

Han and jungkook pointed to each other making him giggle.

Tae took the bread and split it
in half. Giving one to jungkook and the other to han.

Jungkook kissed him and asked,
"How did you know?"

he shrugged " Motherly and wife instincts." Making him chuckle.

Hours later, tae set the food
on the table. Jungkook's jaw dropped there was just so much food.

He asked," Are you sure?" Tae smiled sheepishly and said "I couldn't hold myself. It's his first."

Han said, "This looks, great mom!." Making them laugh.

Shortly after, guests arrived.
Taehyung has invited jungkook's grandmother, jimin, and his fiancé.

Jimin arrived and taehyung saw
Tanya as well.

Jungkook held on to han and whispered to taehyung "Why is she here?"

Taehyung smiles and said, "I couldn't let her spend her thanksgiving alone."

"Do you remember what she did you?"

"I do. And I want that all behind me now"

Tanya was shy and embarrassed by meeting them all.

This was the first time emily saw Tanya like this. She smiled at taehyung and taehyung hugged her.

he was taken back by her hug but wrapped her arms around her as well.

Jimin was happy by seeing 5 pies on the table. His favorite.

Taehyung put the turkey right in the middle. Handing jungkook the big knife as he cut the turkey for everyone.

Taehyung looked around his
table. Smiles, laughter, his
son, jungkook. It was just a happy
moment. Jungkook sat at the head seat.

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