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"what do we have here? ooishi san and a new face? who's this?"

the voice said. you turn around to look at it, infront of u is a man who is hot af 😍❣️😍❣️😍❣️❣️❣️😍😍❣️😍😍😍 BUT OOSIHI IS UR TRUE LOVE SO NO IRIE LMAO LOOOOSER

"oh hello... watashi was y/n desu, anata wa?"

"hello y/n, im irie kyousuke but you can call me irie kyousuke or irie or kyousuke but probably just irie is fine cause thats what everyone calls me uwu"

"oh okay, irie san, nice to meet you 🥰"

ew why are they banging in the movie my mom is watching rn 😐😐😐😐
SORRY anyway

Irie san bows in a friendly way before he walks up to ooishi,

"hello ooishi sam, what are you doing here?"

"I'm just doing some check ups, after all watanagashi is soon."

"oh that is true i hope nothing bad happens this year."

"yea me too i just want to retire already man."

"real af"

"maybe I'll piss on the shrine this year im SO SICK of thos bullshit."

"ooishi san what do you mean by that??? you cant pee on da shrine⁉️"

"sowwy my bad, i wont.. idk whats wrong with me..."

what are they talking about????????????????????????????

"em, sorry desu but what are we talking about??"

you dare to interrupt and ask

oh shit i need to post on tiktok in a few minutes

you say and pull out your phone, you pick an audio and start lipsyncing like some dumb ass, do you have no shame...???

oishi and irie just stare at you 😐😐

what is u doing brah.

"soeey guys this was really important to do, i have a huge followinf. ooishi san u should follow me too."

the two look at each other and then begin telling u abt the watanagashi

to be continued .....

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